You only die once
Something you say for a friend's eulogy
Friend 1: Dude Let's go man. Let's go get totally fucked up!! #yolo
*Gets AIDS and dies*
Friend 2: yodo, man, yodo.
slang for Me too- comes from the usage of Spanish language yo: me, dos: two (2)
Luis: Casey was tweaking bout being on the phone with me
Adrian: oh i hate that guy
Luis: yodos
You Only Die Once.
What to say when some one uses the over used phrase YOLO.
Guy 1: I'm gonna ski without a life jacket! YOLO!
Guy 2: Yeah, well YODO, too.
Guy 1: huh?
Guy 2: You only die once, too.
Guy 1: ....
Sam: "gotta enjoy life. YOLO"
Tom: "no bro, YODO, you live everyday"
Antonym of yolo meaning, "You Only Die Once." ,
J. Doe #1: hey bra, we should go sky divin'!
J. Doe #2: Yolo!
Combat Vet: Yodo.
J. Doe #1&2: Yodo? Wtf?
Combat Vet: Ya only die once too dumbass! Wtf are you gonna die for?!