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give a boy your number day

On November 16th is a give a boy your number day!

her : heres my number
him : why?
her : its give a boy your number day!

by November 22nd November 10, 2020

Pick your shit up boy

A phrase used when talking to a southern American, generally those described as rednecks and/ or idiots. For best effect, say in a hick American accent. Warning: known to make little boys cry.

1. Josh's mum: "PICK YOUR SHIT UP BOY" *Josh gets picking his shit up*

2. Jen: "PICK YOUR SHIT UP BOY" Josh: "SHE DIDN'T SAY BOY!" Jen: "uh huh sureeee she didn't"

by BLee1 August 25, 2009

6πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

National give boy your scrunchie week

May 13-17 you have to give a boy your scrunchie for the whole week no matter what

Boy: Hey let me get that scrunchie

Girl: hell naw
Boy: but it’s national give boy your scrunchie week
Girl: fineeeeee

by For the girls who have a crush May 11, 2019

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

National give a boy your scrunchie day

On September 30th, it's national give a boy your scrunchie day. Give one to your bestfriend, or boyfriend, or anyone who asks

Boy: Can I have your scrunchie? its national give a boy your scrunchie day?
Girl: Sure!

by itsarealdaytrust September 23, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

WhAt YouR MaMe iS Boi?! |:0

It is created by vahe h. and originated by him being exposed to african american pop culture. the phrase has a function of greeting his friends and/or taunting someone. it is a term developing in XBOX live and soon will be used by everyone playing halo 2- the best game in the world.
By the way his gamertag is ENDER813.

ENDER813: WhAt YoUR NamE IS BoI!?

by ENDER813 March 19, 2005

4πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

give a boy your number day

On November 22nd its the give a boy your number day! He can always hit you up if you want :)

her : Hey here my number!
him : Why?
her : Its November 22nd! Its give a boy your number day!

by November 22nd November 10, 2020

national give a boy your hoodie day

January 8 is the day you give a boy your hoodie

β€œHey, here is my hoodie”
β€œbecause its national give a boy your hoodie day”

by zayqy January 8, 2025