Source Code

someone with a small dick

a Josh

Person 1:OMG! Josh has such a small dick!
Person 2: Of course he did, Josh is someone with a small dick!

by AnonymousSource August 6, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Disorder

A penis that is grotesquely small - it ANNOYS the shit out of women - a woman might as well use a damn dildo or vibrator -

Lindzee Divine was in horror when her partner showed her his small dick disorder - it ANNOYED the hell out of her - so she pulled her 8" dildo out and satisfied herself! NO Q TIP DICK FOR HER!!!!!!

by Cougar Sport Killer February 19, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small dick energy

Toxic masculinity caused by fragile narcissistic egos. Usually involves treating people-particularly women, animals or the vulnerable- badly, being selfish, greedy, aggressive, elitist, insensitive, emotionally immature. They like money, guns, showy cars, and making sure others feel they aren't good enough to talk to them. They especially enjoy humiliating people for no reason other than the victim is an easy target and it makes them feel better knowing they matter enough to hurt someone or powerful enough to destroy something. Men with small dick energy tend to destroy things and people all because they are angry and insecure yet convince themselves they are great to compensate.

Richard came across like a real dick with small dick energy, acting like an elitist prick in public but when he was at home alone at night he cried himself to sleep sucking his thumb.

by Shimmering Daydreams January 19, 2023

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Wonder

Maddox... just Maddox.

"Oh look who's calling, Small Dick Wonder"

by Big-Raider03 July 12, 2022

Small Dick Man

In Situations where you feel a lesser man then ur peers, and thus the feeling of a small dick man.

Damn, I'm suspended from driving for 3 months, man!!, I feel like a small dick man right now.

by Kel October 20, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

Man-child who sends unsolicited pictures and harasses women, seemingly unaware at how unattractive it is. He acts in a way that makes him seem entitled to a girls attention, time, and body. Wittle man-child just wants hims mama.

Jake couldn't learn that after harassing April for four years, she just wasn't interested in him. Jake continued to send her messages and pictures, showing the entire world his Small Dick Energy.

by princessleia13 July 24, 2020

27๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

When someone (usually male) is rude or acts entitled due to their insecurity. Has nothing to do with actual penis size, but is rather the sense that the person is trying to overcompensate or act like they are better than other people.

It can also be used in the context of someone being hateful or bigoted.

"Ugh, that guy has such small dick energy. I wish he would get over himself."

by Voidgames January 2, 2023

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