To recognize the authority, validity, or claims of.
This is Chris Williamson's favorite Hym quote.
Hym "The holes you fail to see are in the parallels you refuse to acknowledge. The parallel between D.E.I. and your religion. The parallel between the political duopoly and the religious duopoly. Though, these are not hard to reconcile. If it is a problem for you that the practice of D.E.I. allows people to to garner unearned moral virtue... Then it is ALSO as problem FOR YOU. The only problem is that in the absence of D.E.I. all that remains is your religion. This is a pathetic attempt at pushing out your competition. Neither of you need a moral monopoly. The difference is, your religion is evil. You need to stop doing it. The pushback against D.E.I. IS THE RELIGIOUS DUOPOLY clamping down on competition. Nobody wants to do your incest cult. You need to let it go. The separation of church and state needs to be enforced. And then you need to stop doing the religion. Because the religion is bad."
No you're just refusing to acknowledge anything other than the identity politics. Turning a blind eye to the satan inside. If you will.
Hym "You have a real problem with acknowledgement. You won't acknowledge anything other than the identity politics. And when you do it's always "Well those are complicated problems and we don't know what to do about it... We could monopolize energy production in 3rd world countries to fix climate change! We'll... Wait what was I supposed to say again fracking billionaire who signs my contract? Oh right, We'll frack them. Frack those 3rd world countries right in the butthole. Conservatism is fine in theory but it's the implementation that always falls flat. It parallels religion in that respect. And, really? You think religious shunning better than woke nerd shunning? I'm glad you've decided to start making things easier for me. This is way easier than what I usually do. You're Conservative inclusion is little more recruiting people to subordinate themselves to your (God's) will."
A nod of acknowledgment is a small, curt nod someone gives you when you are acknowledged.
Person 1: He didn't talk to me but he gave me a nod of acknowledgment