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Hot!!! As simple as that. Adam is hot.

Karen: Adam must be the sexiest damn person alive.
Allison: I agree. Adam is hot!

by I GOT HOPPS June 11, 2005

5082👍 3093👎


The funny guy, the one everyone turns to for a quick laugh or a fun time. Typically the guy that wins the heart of all the ladies.

Sarah: Adam is hilarious!
Emily: I know, Adam is the only guy i see as a perfect fit for me.
Sarah: Yeah, you and every other girl in this world.

by The Pugs Man June 11, 2005

2843👍 1733👎


Name meaning in greek: the leader of men

When people back down, Adam steps up.

In a rough situation Adam will take command.

by useranonymous April 23, 2008

3815👍 2415👎

Adam A

A little asshole who brags about daddy’s money and can’t do anything but annoy the absolute hell out of everyone he comes in contact with. If you are one of the many unlucky souls to meet an Adam A, kill them immediately.

Hey who’s the new kid?
That’s Adam A don’t talk to that piece of shit

by AdamAsuckspp May 3, 2019

15👍 5👎


A Foreign Morrocan Man who can't sit right whether he's on the floor or on a chair etc. He is also part of a native tribe and is very passionate about it. He's can get very lonely and sad sometimes but that only lasts for a few minutes till he finds his way back to his tribe.

"have you seen Adam?"
"he's with his tribe right now"

by Idroppedmycroissant February 11, 2019

19👍 9👎


not telling the truth.

Luca was caught adaming by his friends, when he said was not gay.

by Adaming November 16, 2021


An extremely loveable and sweet guy who is tall, muscular and plays a lot of soccer. His sexiness almost hypnotises girls, especially the hot ones! Basically a girl’s dream boyfriend! Everyone loves an Adam because he is funny, kind and just nice to have around.

Girl 1: omg there’s Adam! I have such a big crush on him but I’m too shy to ask him out
Girl 2: well you better not ask him out coz he’s mine!

Girl 1: wow! You’re so lucky to have Adam
Girl 2: yeah I know, he’s literally my dream boyfriend except, he is!

by Yeifovicifif November 23, 2021

13👍 3👎