a.)A metaphorical certificate of self or another persons’ recognition of a passionate, intelligent learner committed to lifestyle of laying in bed and only using their eyes and brain to learn and pick out crucial information to diagnose the those in need without the debt of student loans.
b.)Also can be directed towards a committed fan of the award winning medical drama, Grey’s Anatomy after watching all the seasons (1-16) at least 3x. After this point they are considered to have the knowledge an intern has towards the end of their first year of residency. They should be able to hear symptoms and immediately associate it with a condition or disease.
a.) Lily’s family started saying she has a PhD in Grey’s Anatomy due to her intellectual knowledge to diagnose her Illness which was bed sores.
b.)Lily has seen all seasons of Grey’s Anatomy 4x and is on the fifth round of watching all the seasons; although, I swear she has a PhD without even the schooling because she can diagnose our family members with only a list of symptoms and no tests.
n. a student who strips down by instruction from their teacher, and then uses that student as an example for the rest of the anatomy class
"What's up, broseph?"
"Awesome news! I was the anatomy class example!"
"How is that awesome news?"
"I fucked Mrs. Rudd after class!"
6👍 3👎
100% Depression rate among students who take this class, expect to see a student crying every class because they forgot the difference between the epigastric and hypogastric regions. Ever hear how the brain has 2.5 Petabytes of data, well expect 2.49 of those Petabytes to be used up. You will be forced to memorize every single part and function of the entire body. Enjoying your sleep? Well enjoy it more because you can expect to stay up to 3 AM memorizing the bones of the hand. Even the teachers are bad, they publicly shame you for not knowing the powerhouse of a cell in front of the entire class.
Student 2: "but you also have to memorize the body regions for the test"
Student 3: "but you also have to memorize the body cavities for the test"
Student 4: "but you also have to memorize all the bones of the body for the test"
Student 5: " but you also have to memorize all the organ systems and their functions for the test"
Student 1: *has a meltdown and mental breakdown while the A&P teacher uses them as an example to teach about human emotions"
I just memorized everything needed for the Anatomy and Physiology Class test!
No you didn't, there's more to memorize, there's always more to memorize
A television show where no relationships have lasted beyond 11 years with the exception of no one
I can't believe Addison broke up with Derek!
Its Grey's Anatomy, what do you expect?
: dude have you watched greys anatomy?
I watched all grey's anatomy in 46 days. The first 6 season in one week. Thats okay