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a assface is somebody whos ass is worn on their face instead of in their pants. an assface is someone who is very ugly.

The woman who yelled expletives at me is a total assface.

by Natalie Kauffman August 23, 2006

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Penis In your Assface

Something You say when you run out of cumbacks. May also be said as Assface in your penis, Penis face in your ass, and face penis in your ass. May somehow result in death.

Bob: " You suck cock"
You: "Penis in your Assface"

by NinjaStephen February 27, 2010

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Auto-tune assface

Pretty much every modern singer these days. Unfortunately, they make millions of dollars because of these dumbass little girls that are in love with them.

Stupid little girl: BIEBS IS MY BOYFRIENDDDD.

Gandhi: Shut up, bitch, he's an auto-tune assface.

by PatGuitar October 17, 2010

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

C-ho assface

shes my one and only princess bibbins who wears exspenivvvvv clothes and goes out wit c-money. She has a problem and her cat looks like a dog. when you ask her for a piece of paper she hands you a 20. She also has a bodacious ass which aids her in "backing that thang up!"

Cameron Keast Baker

by Molly L May 18, 2004

15πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Hey assface! You have the face of an ass!

What you say to an unfortunate individual who has an ass for a face.

<Kilt:> Hey assface! You have the face of an ass!
<Bilt:> ( ))<(what?)

by B-Drac August 12, 2003

94πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Creator of this word/Owner: Anissa

Meaning: Ugly Person

You’re an assface

by autopsai June 12, 2022


a face that looks like an ass

the child has an assface because he is a loser

by annoying squaredd January 11, 2011