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boy band virus

:the infection your brain receives when you hear a song, and regardless of what your opinion of the song is, you can't get it out of your head, dooming you to repeat the words of the song until the virus has cleared.

When hearing the song, "teach me how to doogie", you stupidly repeat the lyrics, even though you aren't really sure what you mean, which is the symptom of "boy band virus".

by MOMMA SITA VA November 3, 2010

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gay boy band

A band of boys who are all dating simultaneously and create songs that are usually positive.
P.S. This is nothing bad or should be used for anything bad and is not supposed to be controversial in any way!!

Boy: Hey heard of the band that created *song*
Boy 2: yeah I think all of them are dating each other too
Boy: hey that means there a Gay Boy Band!

by HotKidMan August 17, 2021

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gods favorite boy band

the band waterparks. they are god’s favourite.

awsten: “god’s favorite f*cking boy band, pray to be important”

person1: omg have you heard of the band waterparks?????
person 2: yeah they’re gods favorite boy band

by raeissleepy December 30, 2021

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Barbie Boy Band

All barbie boy bands are terrible at singing. They are most likely a grade six group of friends and there is five of six of them. One of them is the leader that is very load and gets in trouble a lot. The most popular song they sing is the barbie theme song. Most of the time their teachers name will start with a L and their last name will start with a R. There is only one Barbie Boy Band in the world. It is Dylan, Cohen, Ryden, Isaiah, and Henry. THAT'S IT don't try to start your own.

I know a Barbie Boy Band in my class.

by :)Person<3 February 17, 2022

band boy

Band boy very similar to a "emo boy" often including the dark layered hair going to the left or right, tight black skinny jeans but with a band shirt or sweater and their wrists containing lots of band bracelets

Guy 1: "wow bro you look like such a emo boy"
Guy2:"damn it I wanted to look more like a band boy time to go back to hottopic and buy some more band bracelets"

by The wanna be emo fuckboy January 3, 2016