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To have an extreme case of mental vacancy. Common symptoms include OBD (obsessive bieber disorder). In extreme cases the affected individual will randomly orgasm when hearing the words: "Justin Bieber". It is believed that this disease was created in a laboratory in exchange for a Justin Bieber believe album. We would recommend dealing with patients by punching them in the face, this has the common side effect of shutting them up.

Person 1:"Justin Bieber"
Person 2(Belieber): (starts orgasming)
Person 3: (punches Person 2 in the face)

by nemokoccultus January 22, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The scum of the internet. They make Directioners seem okay by comparison.

Beliebers are Justin Bieber fans who consistently feel the need to ruin the internet (mainly Twitter) for everyone else by trending shit like 'Respect Justin', 'Respect Beliebers', '#boyfriend4no1#, etc. They are usually highly illiterate, putting little faith in global education institutes. They also can almost never be reasoned with.

The irony is that they ask for respect when anyone who disagrees with them in any way, shape or form is immediately shot down and bombarded with abuse - usually resulting in them being called a 'hater' for no good reason.

The disturbing thing is, the majority age between 9-15 and say things like 'Justin is a sex God'.

In a nutshell, Beliebers are worse than AIDs.

Normal, reasonable person: "I don't really like Justin Bieber, he's not my sort of thing."
Beliebers: "OMG UR JUS JELUS U FUKIN H8ER!!!!!1"

Normal, reasonable person: "I don't have a problem with him, it's just his damned fan base that give him such a bad name."

by I'm mad bro September 1, 2012

153๐Ÿ‘ 146๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A large group of mostly female Hypocrites who practice Hypocrisy.
2. A group of mostly dumb teenage girls.
3. A group that is annoyed and hated by almost every human on Earth.
4. A group that's infected with the deadly virus called Bieber Fever.
5. A group who is always obsessed with Justin Bieber.
6. A group that is evil.

Beliebers: we love you Justin.
Haters: you people are so annoying.

by fhajslfhakhfiuehfldhfjdgiuore September 28, 2013

29๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who is particularly inspired by Canadian pop singer, Justin Bieber. Often greatly confused seeing as Justin Bieber is more than likely a female confused about her gender, with the voice of a small school girl.

The beliebers are going absolutely insane as Justin struts onto the stage!

by Lowbar April 30, 2013

21๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Belieber is someone who believes in, supports, and loves the pop star Justin Bieber, 19, from Canada. Beliebers are the biggest fanbase, taking up over 34% of the Earth's population.

"I love all of #MyBeliebers. What we got here is real. You can't deny that." - Justin Bieber, via twitter

by califxrnia September 13, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who believe in and support the AMAZING talented teen heart throb Justin Bieber, and would do anything to stick up and defend him. Beliebers are behind Justin Bieber every step of the way, and are the best fans in the world.

Beliebers are Justin Bieber's biggest fans.

by kaatieebieberxo January 17, 2010

275๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž


Huge fan of faggot Justin Bieber who had sex change long time ago.

Girls who drools over Justin Beaver and wanna have sex, in short hoes.

Girl: I'm a belieber

Boy: You mean you're not fresh anymore? You ain't virgin!! Waaaaaaaah

by yohohohoho September 24, 2011

62๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž