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Acronym. BOB Liaison Officer.

1) Heater

1) Look at the BLO doing his work!

by Zhongwenxuesheng December 16, 2021


N blossemde bos

Wow Megan!!! Kyk na daai awesome blos

by 53475 October 3, 2020


bro, but blo

Hey blo
What's up blo
Fuck you blo

by aahahahhaa November 24, 2018


Blo.. Ur Brother but ur Russian you call ur friends Blo…

Blo - Ur Brother.

by Blo/ Bro. January 15, 2023


A slow poke. The oral kind.

Don't be such a slo-blo, Marsha!

Fuck you, cunt.

by Shuaman September 1, 2021

Blo blo

Nigerian pidgin slang for blow job.

Lola sabi give better blo blo
Meaning: Lola gives good head

by Oceanblu November 21, 2021


Fake bling, purchased at the mini-mart.

"I think the ice on that bloing is startin' to melt!"

by Supersatisfier August 26, 2006