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reffering to lines of any drug that can be insuflated (snorted) generally reffering to powdered cocaine but can also include heroin, crushed ecstasy or other pills

I can't even handle that class without a
couple boofers before I go in

by duckiej April 5, 2008

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two unique individuals who have become bestfriends, that spend all their time together.

Here come Melissa and Michele they're such boofers, they're never apart now-a-days

by zepsterrrr August 6, 2008

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-a more organized booty call with a boofer

Yo, its 3am, im getting a boofer-call from Calla

by jake2709 January 27, 2009

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Boofer Fishing

When walking through an area where Boofers gather, you grab small change you have in your pocket and whip it across the floor or ground and watch the boofers run after it. Pennies, nickles, dimes work great but quarters give the best results. Boofers have been known to attack and sometimes in rare cases even kill their own kind for quarters.

Brian: Wanna go Boofer Fishing?
Seth: I've only got a couple dimes.
Brian: Thats enough for Boofer Fishin. They chase anything.

by Its_what_I_do22 September 21, 2011

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A cooler and awesome way to say "buffer".

Man this video is taking forever to boofer

by theguywholikeswords October 16, 2009

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Clam Boofer

the word that describs two females rubbing, humping, and/or thrashing their crotches together during the actions of lesbian intercores.

(Example #1)
guy #1: Hey, where did becky and sally run off to.
guy #2: Who cares we can't get any actoin from them. They are lesbians.
guy #1: god damn those Clam Boofers.

(Example #2)
guy #1: Pizza Hut, how many I help you?
guy #2: Yes, I'd like to order a three meat pizza.
guy #1: Ok, What toppings would you like.
guy #2: pepperoni, sausage, and Clam Boofer.
guy #1: Sorry Sir, but i think that we are out of Clam Boofer at the moment.
guy #2: HAHAHAHA

by Dan Stephens August 5, 2008

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The Boofer Boy's

"The Boofer Boy's are a hardcore White Water Kayaking splinter group formed from within the largest Canoe/Kayak club based in Liverpool uk.
The sole purpose of the group is to Boof the fuck out of any rapid, drop or similar feature on as many of the planets most extreme and challeging white water rivers as possible.
Due to the group participating in many extremely dangerous white water descents "members" are selected via a tough slection process that is always overseen by both of the groups co founders

The Boofer Boys founders are two highly talented, good looking individuals that have reached near Kaiser Soze status within the greater kayaking community.

Child talking to parent after witnessing the Boofer Boy's in action. "Mom........I wish I was a Boofer Boy they're the greatest!!!!... they've just boofed the fuck out of all them grade 5 drops"...."Mom""don't worry son one day you'll get there just keep practicing that paddling"

by theboofingkayaker May 20, 2011