A bronze age term referring to the Penis. Believed to have originated among the gang riddled villages of lower Nubia, the word was quickly adopted by Egyptian Nobility, especially by the youth. The words quick spread is attributed to ancient Nubian poets whom frequently used profanity in their verses.
Two Young Babylonian nobles Duzi & Zabu traverse the Bazaar and spot an alluring young Assyrian baddie buying biscuits.
Duzi quickly mumbles "By the Gods Zabu, I would sacrifice all the goats in Sumeria just for a whiff of that biddies ankles"
Zabu responds "Give it up Duzi, that maiden's way out of your league... I learnt Aramaic just to pick up these tight Assyrian chicks. I'll say a quick prayer to Inanna, head over & spit some serious poetry. She'll be slurping my Brizzle by dusk"
A term that is often yelled by teenagers while they are insanely hyper. It is most effective if yelled at swim coaches while you are prank calling them after they threaten to call the cops on you.
Coach: Alright that's it. This is the fourth prank call tonight... I'm calling the cops!
John: Dude I'm hungry!
Bill: Let's go to Flame Brizzle.
John: OKAY!