When you’re actually Him. When you’re actually that guy. Bro (person in question) is bro (Him, that guy, Übermensch, alpha sigma, slayer of hella bitches).
You: “Damn, I wish these thots would see me as more than a walking dildo. All they want is dis giant D. Y’all feel me right fellas?”
Them: “bro is bro. Bro is literally bro. Bro is more bro than bro.”
bro is bro is a slang used by monkeys with poking chins. these monkeys may think they are funny, but enterteining people are quick to point of out that it aint funny anymore you know what im sayin! (blud, ps dawg, obs shlawg). Bro is bro means that something is something. like phone is phone or jitti is not funny anymore. obvious things.
this phrase is often used to describe to someone as a joke who they are,it is similar to the phrase he is him
um i dont know how he looks like bro is bro
Two men who are dating but in a bro way.
"Xavier and Asher are Bro Boyfriends (Bro Bfs)"
A stealth term used by a thirsty gay man who is trying to throat drain a straight man's cock hole in the guise of medicinal/therapeutic massage while claiming health benefits, jizz-based-protein and "no-homo" the whole time.
Hey bro bro, you still want that testicular massage, I promise, no homo fr fr no cap. It's healthy to throat drain you for the protein, I swear, bro bro.
The quintessential bro. Views himself on par with all fellow bros, often seen alongside individual companions, and affectionately dubs them "bro bro" too. This is a bro with whom you share a profound fraternal bond, whether tied by blood or not. Typically assumes a leadership or decision-making role within his social group. He effortlessly triumphs in all endeavors. The top-ranking bro bro occasionally employs camouflage to elude unforeseen situations. The individual that an ordinary bro aims to emulate.
Person 1: hey Joe, have you met my best friend?
Joe: I have not.
Person 1: Joe, this is Dan. The number one bro bro.
Person 2: wazzzzzzuuuuupppp
Shit just got real and it's time to GTFO.
Person 1: I'm gonna drop that nigga
Person 2: Oh no bro bro