Source Code


if your name is Cadence, you have very long strait hair and are most likely very athletic. very pretty and nice. can be annoying at some points. very nice and funny.

what’s your name?

oh you must bc very nice and athletic!

by lax7124 December 30, 2020

4👍 1👎


Cadence is a reggae/roots/acoustic band out of North Wales, PA. Saw them preform at my local coffee shop and they are the real deal! Outstanding instrumentals:

Theodore Kradzinski: Guitar and Vocals
Maitland Minderjan: Guitar
Alex Richardson: Bass
Dan Losier: Bongos

I saw Cadence and they rocked my world!

by John Boy Smith February 13, 2008

15👍 14👎


Cadence is a thic bitch! She is a fortnite god, so never underestimate her or she’ll shoot all you hoes ‘rattaaaatttaaaattttaaaataaarrrr

Cadence is also a tiktok celebrity, she’s v v talented n unique 😩😉

me: ‘oh look there’s cadence
friend: ‘ughhhh shessssss fattttt’

by definitely not Jaya February 27, 2019

8👍 3👎


Phoneas and Frob’s sister

Phoneas: “Cadence come help us with our roller coaster
Cadence: “I’m so telling mom!”

by awdL April 18, 2019

5👍 4👎


Cadence is a thot

Bro Cadence has the thickest ass tonight

by Dr Filipino April 21, 2019

10👍 10👎


big abs i will love you 2 the end of the world ps i have a big dick not no just big dick a monster dick

damn cadence has a monster dick

by SMALLDICKDADDY December 6, 2019


The most beautiful, wonderful, and the most attractive girl ever. She has the best smile. Her hair is gorgeous and don’t even get me started on her eyes. Her eyes are magnificent. She all around has the best “attributes” a girl can ever have. Don’t let her go if you get the chance to have her. You’d be lucky to get her, she’s hard to get. But once you see her it’s hard to forget about her.

Wow, look at cadence!
Man, she’s so perfect

by b Mac September 10, 2020