One who picks and choose what part of the bible or religion to follow or obey based on what is convenient for themselves.
Oh, I see, you're a faithful Christian lecturing me about going to church on Sunday, yet you had an affair Susan! You can't be using Cafeteria Christianity where you pick and choose what parts of the bible to follow.
This might be one of the best parts of Carmel. Like even if you’re not already hungry, the smell leading up to the lunch line as you walk towards the cafeteria generates this huge appetite in you. Like you start to starve no matter what food you had beforehand. It’s probably chemicals they put in it to get you to spend your money there. But who cares. The best food is actually the wraps and sandwiches that you can make yourself. Super underrated. And there’s ice cream and cookies every day and all these different drinks and sodas. Like yes it’s overpriced but it’s way better food than other cafeterias. Like it’s good quality. And the lunch employees are outstanding. The cafeteria food is one of the only things Carmel is good for ngl.
why am i so damn hungry
You are walking up to the cafeteria and you smell the Carmel catholic cafeteria food
It’s amazing
The shittiest of shit. It's either overcooked or undercooked, or just straight up not cooked at all. The despair that fills your face when you take the first bite is masked by the primitive feeling of hunger, forcing you to accept the fateful bite that you take. Tears will stream your face for eating this food, and yet you still eat it, as you have nothing else to survive on.
Dude, the high school cafeteria food in my town makes you shit bricks
1👍 1👎
A cafeteria speed date is comprised of three main steps:
1. Man/woman walks into a cafeteria/diner/eatery
2. Man/woman sits down with a person sitting alone
3. Man/woman has a conversation with that person as if on a date
Although awkward at first, this method of meeting people may sometimes be bold enough to work.
(Man sits down across from unsuspecting woman)
Man: "I know what you're thinking... But before you tell me to scram, I just wanna say that this is my first cafeteria speed date and you looked like you could use some company. What do you say?"
Woman: "(hesitates...) Uhh okay, I have a few minutes. What's your name?"