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a term given to an annoying one night stand who will not leave your place the next morning. Instead, they camp in your bedroom or home and treat it as if it were theirs. Even if you give the signal that it is time for them to go, they will not leave โ€“ even after several hours. There are several stages to be aware of:

Stage 1 Camper: (Still there 30 min after you are awake) You realize she/he is awake so you pretend you are asleep. If she stays awake and waits for you to wake up, you have a stage 1 camper. Not bad because she/he may just be waiting for you to wake to say bye. If not, she is preparing her camping gear.

Stage 2 Camper: (1 hour after being awake) Pretending you are asleep failed and now you both are "awake". She/he begins a lengthy conversation about random crap that has nothing to do with the night before. If they keep talking that means they are unpacking their gear and setting up their tent.

Stage 3 Camper: (1-2 hours) The chit chat extends for more than an hour or so and she/he turns on the TV. Now their tent is up and they are planning on staying.

Stage 4 Camper: (2-3 hours) She/He begins to talk about breakfast and asks what you have. Oh boy, their tent is fully furnished at this point. Firewood gathering is next.

Stage 5 Camper: (3+ hours) You have had breakfast and if she doesn't leave within 20-30 minutes afterwards, you have a severe situation on your hands. The camp has been completely set up and the firewood is burning.

You wake up from a long night of partying to a girl/guy in your bed. They don't leave within the first half hour and instead begin to control your TV, check social media sites on your computer, ask what you have for breakfast, and even ask to watch a movie. They are camping out and can be considered a camper.

by Campologist March 3, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Campers, by definition, are people who position themselves in one spot and stay there for extended periods of time, usually either to guard an objective or to surprise unwary passer-bys. Flamed the most on the ever-popular Counter-Strike. Campers are usually hated on by anyone that doesn't camp because people seem to think that getting a kill while running in front of 10 opponents is smarter than picking them off by surprise. It's sad to say, but people are so impatient that they're willing to call you a camper just because you stand in a spot for more than 15 seconds. The whole reason why people get mad at campers is because either 1.) They died because they decided to try and be "skilled" and ran out into the open with their gun firing only to be shot at by six other guys, or 2.) Someone who is too afraid to look for the camper because of the fear he will be killed, thus lowering his score. Just because someone decides to hide behind a box so he can kill people that pass by doesn't make him "n00b". If he's a "n00b", what does that make you for getting killed by him. If you're good enough to call him a "n00b", why don't you just...check around instead of running past him like an idiot and getting killed, it's not that hard

The gist of it: A group of people with patience and strategy hated on by idiots and impatient 13 year olds with autism and/or ADD.

"It's 1 vs 10, I think i'll camp so I can pick a few of them off first."

Camper's dead teammate: "OMG HE'S CAMPING NOOB"

Camper kills someone

Camper kills admin

by CamperStrike July 30, 2007

62๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


In a circle of smoking companions, a person whose turn takes an unreasonable amount of time.

Quit camping and pass the bowl!

by thc September 17, 2004

29๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A phrase coined by forgetful gamers describing someone they forgot killed them in the exact same spot not 10 seconds earlier. It's a form of strategy that keep your kills higher then your deaths. That's how you win wars. No modern wars were ever won by people running around in the open. Any tactician will tell you.

It is often frowned upon especially during deathmatch style games since it is assumed everyone is running around and blasting. During the chaos a camper can rack up a good score easily. But if you want to win you have to play smart.

Gamer 1: F*ckng camper! That's such bllsh*t!

Gamer 2: Well instead of running into that room again, throw a grenade, be more cautious, or avoid the room entirely and force the camper to move. A camper will move if you don't voluntarily give him an easy shot.

Gamer 1: Whatever it's still bllsh*t.

by ToHi2Play May 19, 2012

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


In an office environment, someone who visits your cubicle or office and won't leave after the discussion is over; a visitor who overstays their welcome and "camps" in your workspot; someone who stands in your doorway or cube entrance and won't leave.

1. The guy stayed for an hour in my cube. What a camper!
2. I asked her to stop by to give me the report, but she turned into a camper.
3. When I'm trying to get some work done, I hate campers!

by vmwrites May 8, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A derogatory term referring to a individual in a first-person shooter who uses strategy and tactics rather than quick fingers, e-thuggery and lack of a social life to win team/objective based games.

"Yo, the 3oII clan is good at fukin camping, f'n fag campers"
"Actually, the 3$ clan is good at running into the street and getting shot. Learn how to play"

by Whiskey 26 January 30, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Camping is a method of sniping, usually used on fps style games. it genrally involves standing crouching or lying prone in a high spot with a good vantage point or view. campers are genrally disliked by the online gaming community due to an apparent lack of skill, however is their more skill in carefully picking of other players or rushing in like a noob and getting shot, if the noob approach is more skillfull why do you die more often? because of this campers are often targited for abuse by the more moronic players of the gameing community. campers are often referred to as noobs no-matter the skill used in targeting amoving target and takeing them out, one shot one kill

camper sits in wait, like crouching tiger. unwary prey runs like headless chicken, camper strikes, now chicken really headless. this is skill

OMG fukin camper fight like a man

by dispicable March 31, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž