Source Code

Chrollo known as Chomper

Killua and Gon were captured by phantom troupe and taken to their secret base.

The group confronted Chomper and his battleaxe, the Demon Slayer, to put an end to the Phantom Troupe and Chomper's evil.

With the help of Doraemon, Gon, Killua, Gon's children, and the Nemesis team they were able to destroy all of the phantom troupe members, save for Chomper.

Chomper, having lost his sixth arm during the battle, needed the last arm to keep the Demon Slayer arm and Chomper took Killua hostage, promising to let Killua go if everyone in Japan would surrender.

While a drunken Gon decided to bring Killua home to save his life, Chomper fought the revived Seven Arcs team, but was defeated.

Chomper told Killua that he could either fight and die or let Chomper keep the Demon Slayer arm and be killed.

Killua jumped from the hospital and landed on top of Chomper, showing him the last of his inner self, and said goodbye.

It then shows Chomper being defeated with his face getting thrown onto the ground.

Then the episode ended with Chrollo known as Chomper telling the room that he did what he had to do to save his country and his people, but he will be back for Killua.

Sometime later, Chomper was told by Nemesis team member Suigetsu that Killua was now on his own.

by Drapen May 19, 2022

Quoll (known as Chrollo)

Quoll is really beautiful character but why you may ask?

Well it's because she kind of acts like a naughty teenager and just wants to have fun and run around, including her and Foxy.

And the best part is that Quoll is just so amazing.

She's such a super horse.

I always feel bad for her because she has to work as a farm horse because her owner can't keep her running around free, but she doesn't make it so obvious she doesn't want to be trained.

Her owner still spoils her a little.

I really like her and her cool head.

Then we have Foxy and his awesome personality.

I love the fact that he's just a super friendly boy.

He's such a joker and really loud.

He doesn't know it but he's just a sweet boy.

He really helps Quoll out.

I loved how you got to see them bond throughout the story, especially in the last chapter, that was so adorable.

And the best part is that they both know each other.

Foxy knows about Quoll because he helped her learn how to be a good farm horse, but Quoll knows about Foxy because he helped his owner make him.

And I loved how the author had such a strong support and bond between them.

Then there's the outside world.

I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't know what to expect when reading this book...

Quoll (known as Chrollo) appears in Hunter x Hunter as the leader of the Phantom Troupe.

by Drapen June 6, 2022