Source Code

Coordinated cock slam

When you use your penis to kill a mosquito on your ballsack. Created in response to the "It Is Only When A Mosquito Lands On Your Testicles Meme"

Hey, there is a mosquito on my ballsack.
Just use the coordinated cock slam.

by Donier87 April 13, 2022

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

collector defense coordinator

One who ignores all other duties to above all else, defend ones own collectors, by any means possible, even at the the hands of sacraficing teammates.

7thCulthero: Uh, soul, a little help?
Soulblighter101: I can't, im guarding my collectors.

by ono December 4, 2002

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Shift-Eye Coordination

Shift-Eye co-ordination. Depends on your ability to keep your ! as a ! and not a 1

Mainly, your ability to hold the shift button down.

(ZenRgy) vort, OMGOMGOMGCYBABBQ!!!1111one
Β· (Jedi_Vader20) kicks ZenRgy (Dodgy Shift-Eye Co-ordination there pal...)

by Jedi_Vader20 April 27, 2004

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator

Every man's dream job. One who sets up activities for the naked people of these colonies.

I one day hope to become a Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator.

by Ass Clown January 18, 2003

50πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

polar coordinates and complex numbers

A unit of study in General Specialist Math. It involves maping out points on both Argand diagrams and basic cartesian planes.
"Complex numbers" involve a set of Real (Re) and Imaginary (Im) numbers. Imaginary numbers are represented by the letter i and are represented on a Argand diagram.

polar coordinates and complex numbers are useful for solving other geometric equations

by He's the boxman September 29, 2006

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

I Coordinate, Therefore I Am

The very act of my plotting points on a pair of x–y axes and being conscious of it proves my existence, unless my action is taking place in a dream.

If Donald Trump can say, β€œI tweet, therefore I am,” then RenΓ© Descartes can say β€œI coordinate, therefore I am.”

by MathPlus November 27, 2018

292πŸ‘ 376πŸ‘Ž


coordinize (Coe-or-den-eyes)

β€’ it means to organize and coordinate 🀌

Oh my gosh!! I am going to coordinize my bedroom… finally!

by Wahbam Kam November 22, 2021