Source Code

Discord Mod Week

Discord Mod Week was made to battle the Discord users who are mad about getting banned on Discord Mod Day.

Discord Mod Week starts on the 11th and ends on the 18th, durring this time Discord Moderators are allowed to ban, kill, mute or kick any non-moderator for 7 days, they are also legally allowed to relax for 168 hours.

Man, these users are bugging me, Thank god its Discord Mod Week.

by PocketClyde December 11, 2020

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Discord Mod Day

A rare occurence which only happens once every year on a specific day in december, a day where we celebrate all the hardworking discord mods who volunteer to keep order and justice in our dear discord servers. This day is surely one of the most important days of the year.

"Hey xX_Gamerking69_Xx, it's Discord mod day again! Did you buy me any carved eggs wrapped into presents?"

by MasterGamer34 December 7, 2020

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discord mod

Discord Mod. Once used as a meme, now used as harassment and bullying.

Person 1: Oh it's a discord mod. What a discord mod.
Person 2: BRUHHH. Why are you disrespecting a discord mod? Not every discord mod is bad y'know.
Person 1: Nah, nah, nah. They are all so bad.
Person 2: ....

by your muffinhead May 27, 2021

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Fuck Discord Mods Day

On Thursday December 18, Discord users get to fuck the discord mods of servers who can’t do anything about it. People also get to spam memes in general.

Hey it’s Fuck Discord Mods Day!

Time to fuck them.

by asap_handlez December 17, 2020

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National discord mod day

November 2nd. The day when you give your friendly neighbourhood discord mod a gift.

cool discord member: hey, bro, it's National Discord Mod Day here's your favourite album on vinyl thanks for being a cool discord mod.
mod: thanks

by literally_a_discord_mod November 2, 2020

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Immunity to Discord Mod Day

This can be screen shotted to be immune to this day's affects. Wether its muting to banning for 1 day. However, only the first 10% (just divide the amount of people in the discord server by 10) percent of the amount of member's in the server can use this. However the person promises not to ping, or call the mods when they need them. Anybody who does will be directly muted/banned for the entire day. Also mods don't ignore this, this is a desperate attempt to be saved.

I have used this screenshot of Immunity to Discord Mod Day to prevent myself from the effects of it.

by Jack Big Nicholson December 10, 2020

Retired Discord Mod Day

December 11 is retired discord mod day. All the retired mods get promoted to regular mods and all the regular mods get demoted to retired mods for a day.

Man, I can't figure out which server to nuke on Retired Discord Mod Day.

by object_Object December 10, 2020

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