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Dog ass hoe

Sonny Yokuhana

Sonny Yokuhana went to work and was a dog ass hoe the whole day

by $#@ December 2, 2019

Myabe tanisha will call your dog ass

If she ever stop fking with that brain surgeon lawyer se fuking with nigaaa

When some one got that old yee yee as haircut. Myabe tanisha will call your dog ass.

by ObamnaSOdaaah May 13, 2023

3👍 2👎

Dog Ass People

A blasphemous perpetuator of evil... exudes a miasma so vile it prevents societal progress continents away (EX: Heathenic Africa). Commonly used to describe the filthy wenches that roamed the streets during the Middle English period. First discovered near south of the River Loire, "practicing pernicious acts of heresy so contemptable it ruptur'd mine own spirit"(Pierre, Louise 489).

Louise Pierre to Lord William III the Little 1269

(School Days, Washing Maching)
- Presented by the Yung Man's Secret Basement foundation (The Arbiters of Elucidation)

"You guys are such a dog ass people."
"The developers of this game such a dog ass people they don't even understand the death stranding."

by Yung Man's Secret Basement LLC January 17, 2025

Dog Ass Female

J love to chase dog ass niggas
to make her feel like she a dog ass female

Dog Ass Female A bitch Dog

by YTSOA June 5, 2022

Dog Ass

When your leading the team on call of duty and your team is some DOG ASS

Holly shit I have 20 kills and my teammates don’t have any, they are Dog Ass

by Neeyuck July 17, 2021

dog ass

used when you have a yee yee ass haircut

used to insult a furry

person 1: bro shut yo dog ass up
furry with yee yee ass haircut: god dam

by Ubri_imadumbtoaster November 30, 2021

Dog ass

A person who snitches on their homeboys

Ayo look at his dog ass walking down the road

by Slimelife dre May 9, 2021