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gender dysphoria industrial complex

The pharmaceutical and surgical industrial complex responsible for propagating the idea of transgenderism in the western world.

The gender dysphoria industrial complex has sure manipulated our youth into believing that their bodies are so egregiously wrong that it’s surgically necessary to undergo voluntary meatball surgery.

by draco_mask March 28, 2023

11👍 45👎

Fetish Dysphoria

The thought of being attracted to more fetishes than are actually enjoyable.

When a person spends so much time watching pornography, they begin thinking they have more fetishes than they actually do. This person usually starts out having only a few fetishes, but as they spend more and more time on porn, they start getting turned on by seeing a lot of other things.

This usually only happens if said person is addicted to pornography. If and when they get over this addiction, they also begin to realise that they don't really enjoy the kinks or fetishes that turned them on. They can also realise this by trying out the fetishes, not just watching and fantasising about them.

I thought I was into scat, but when I tried to eat my poop, I instantly lost my boner. I quickly realised I must have Fetish Dysphoria!

by CrispyBun April 1, 2019

gender dysphoria

The closest thing we humans have to eternal damnation.

I fucking hate gender dysphoria

by BnuuyTheLoser August 15, 2024

American dysphoria

American dysphoria- Hating being american, wanting more spice.

Hey mom, I think I have American dysphoria”
“I know son, being and American is so boring, I wish we were something cool, like being french!

by wildanimaleater April 17, 2023

Body dysphoria

Being dissatisfied with your biological body and want to change it example Plastic surgery

Gaining weight

Losing weight

I have body dysphoria I don’t like my body and want to change it

by Jack lop May 2, 2023

Reproductive dysphoria

A profound state of dissatisfaction or discomfort resulting from real or perceived reproductive capability (i.e. ability/inability to become pregnant or ability/inability to impregnate) not matching one's internal sense of identity. Can occur on its own, such as for childfree people, or be part of gender dysphoria and is made worse by bingoing or misgendering respectively.

"I've always known I never wanted to be a mother, but I hate that my body is capable of getting pregnant and wish it couldn't. I have reproductive dysphoria."
"I've always wanted to be a mother and carry a child, but I was born male and medical science hasn't caught up yet. I have reproductive dysphoria."

by gorpoglorp March 13, 2023

Scatemojical Dysphoria

Noun - A condition where one is self-conscious because they believe their poop is supposed to be the same consistency as a 💩 emoji.

She wouldn’t poop in any toilet outside of her home because she had scatemojical dysphoria.

by Jazzdrummer1 May 19, 2019