A catastrophe causing Toilet-water to splash onto your bum cheeks or even your hole, often the result of dropping an enormous anus-tearing turd into the porcelain-throne. Commonly accompanied with another misadventure named Witch's Kiss.
"I got Feedback as i was taking a dump!"
Ohohohohohoho! You want me to watch it?
Hym "Oh? Is my feedback worth more than trying to get me to sign up? Well ok then. I suppose I could grace you with a critique from the world's greatest mind! Hohohohohohoho!"
Lots of feedback. This could be multiple pieces of feedback to the same person or entity (1:N), or multiple pieces of feedback across multiple people or entities (N:N)
Andrew provide John with lots of feedbacks
A personal labeled as an F.B.I. tipster.
The Feedback Assistant was so fucking bombed one night at the bar that he forgot his cell phone behind with “millions of dollars” on his cell phone.
Sucking each others dicks and saying nothing but nice things about each other.
You're just so huge, I I will pay 10 dollars too many for that even though I know it's a stupid thing to do why because I am so attracted to you, that's why.
Fuck positive feedback.