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Flea's Teat

elusive, impossible to grasp, unlikely to find, rarely seen,

What up Osama? You're harder to get a hold of than a flea's teat.

Obama's records are harder to get a hold of than a flea's teat.

Julian Assange's soul is harder to get a hold of than a flea's teat.

Been emailing, texting, friending, tweeting you! You're harder to get a hold of than a flea's teat!

My professor is harder to get a hold of than a flea's teat!

by FeyJay January 4, 2011

sand fleas

Parasites from people that are too poor to get regular crabs.

Man, that chick with the big ol' brown ass titties gave me serious sand fleas

by pfc. Snowball December 11, 2008

141๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beard Flea

A person that is unjustifiably impressed with themselves. Not a lowly arm pit flea or a below the belt flea, but an uppity โ€œI am better than youโ€ beard flea.

Brittney sure acts like a beard flea when she is driving her new Denali with 24โ€ wheels and talking on her iPhone.

by sikalookin April 10, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

flea bag

1. A very cheap, dingy hotel.

2. A dog with fleas.

We stayed in an old flea bag in Portland.

Angus the dog is an old flea bag.

by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005

97๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

flea flicker

literally someone whose job it is to flick fleas off of their employer, employers family or guests.

someone of extremely low social standing, who is obliged to engage in humiliating professions just to get by

Lady Gaga thrives off of her paparazzi flea flickers

If it hadn't been for his family name and inherited wealth, George W Bush would like have amounted to little more than a flea flicker.

by ayyfron August 4, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flea Collar

When a woman wears an engagement/wedding ring in order to keep away unwanted attention from men.

Man 1: "She's married man! Look at the ring on her finger."
Man 2: "Nah man, that ain't nothing but a flea collar. She's trying to keep all the bugs off."

by A - man - DUH September 26, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flea Market

Place that sell a whole lotta shit but mainly known for the clothes. They sell some good quality shit for crazy low prices. Its 99 percent stolen from stores, and then sold to the dudes runnin the flea. Get the nicest name brands for cheap, things that cost 70 bucks for 20, n things that were once 40 r around 10 bucks. Get errything from Tee's, to jerseys, jeans, shoes, knives, jewelry, its where u go if u got some money n u come out wit a whole lotta fresh shit that with all ur money shoulda costed u wat u bought on 1 thing. The one thing the white boys stil dont kno about. Errything else been commercialzed. AKA the Flea. Most r only open early on saturdays n sundays.

Sup nigga watchu bout to do. Go to the flea. Fa sho i was at the flea market yestaday.

by ClapUpYaBrain September 11, 2005

182๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž