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(n) Racial slur meaning dirty Native

Ran out of toothpaste this morning went to the local convenience store, they were sold out. Too bad I live in a foon infested neighbourhood

by Foonguy February 15, 2021


Meaning a diminutive fool. I first heard this being defined in a Panel show. The show in question was 'Call my Bluff' hosted by Robert Robinson. The program was broadcast in the early seventies, (with this line up). The team captains were Frank Muir and Patrick Campbell. The three people in each team would define an obscure word and the opposing team had to work out the true definition. One word that has, for whatever reason, stayed with me was Foon - a diminutive fool.
A few fragments still exist on you tube.

Foon would, obviously, be used in a derogatory way, as a descriptor. He/She is a real Foon.

by R.T. Fischall August 2, 2023


1. one who believes he or she is much more intelligent than he or she actually is, to an embarrassing degree

2. one who believes he or she is far more skilled at a video game than he or she actually is, to an embarrassing degree

1. Ever since Gabe got that finance degree he thinks he can solve the US debt crisis. He's such a foon.

2. Zach is always saying he's a 'champ 3 stuck in diamond 2,' but the foon hasn't hit a ceiling shot in his life.

by doc.smoothie January 6, 2020


another way to say fool. some sort of fob language only some azns know cuz some cant pronounce the "n's" in words and shit. so yeah... u foon!


by suP? April 20, 2003


The proper definition of foon is a fork dominant Fork-spoon hybrid. A spork is a soon dominant fork-spoon hybrid .

Can you get me a foon?

I eat my chicken with a foon

by Hoeseok.Yoongi.sope August 8, 2019


Instead of a spork, it’s a foon. Sporks ain’t shit like what even is that

It’s a fork and a spoon mixed together to create “foon” much better than spork

by Better than sporks November 5, 2021


A foon is a new way of saying 😺

Oi,you big fat foon

by It’s kinda hurting me doe ,huh October 27, 2020