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to be so drunk you cannot be responsible for what you have done

a: "i can't believe you slept with him last night!"
b: "it's not my fault, i couldn't help it, i was gitted."

by NanaNo May 3, 2006

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Short for legit - meaning serious

Bro, are you being git right now?

by mallie88 June 12, 2019


Little piece of shit

Jake: Hey Jill, I think Jamie is really cute.
Kill: She may be cute but she is git!

by ooga.booga.babyyy December 23, 2019


GIT is an acronym for GET IT TOGETHER!

You are such a hot mess, you need to GIT or get out of my face!

by LingDanc803 December 7, 2018


Short for "Global Internet Threat" or "Global Interthreat" if you want.
And by that I mean a threat to everyone using the internet, creator or user, like the Article 13 threat, that's what I consider a GIT.

Person A: Hey you know Article 13 that threatens the internet?
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: It's really a GIT.

by SauceyRed November 28, 2018


Gangster in training

Giovanni: Yo gits are ya ready to rank up a storm?
Team Rocket: HELL YEAH

by Alpha Kenny One February 22, 2016

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goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t

Jim: "Do you use git in your software development?"
Steve: "What...you mean that goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t? Hell yeah I do"

by thislittlepoopypantsishungry March 25, 2019

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