A clash royale card the users of this card usually can’t get women and think they are invisible to women often paired with night witch it is the best way to come out in public “I use golem” Me-“kys
Golem is a card in a popular mobile game Clash royale by Supercell, if you ever encounter a person using it in game you are allowed to commit war crimes and kill yourself, because thw chances of you winning are lower than the golem user's confidence level. A person which uses golem has probably been held hostage by 15 big black men in a basement where he was raped continuously, after escaping he became addicted to sucking cock and riding huge dicks, his mother is a drug addict and his father has never returned from the store.
Josh:"Hey man you're looking kinda upset, what's up?"
Daniel:"It's just that i haven't been able to drink a gallon of fresh semen yesterday, and now im trash at playing golem."
The Golem is a card in the famous game Clash Royale. Players who use Golem decks get no bitches and have no skill. They tend to just throw everything behind the Golem at the bridge during 2x elixir. After they three crown you, they start spamming free emotes such as the CRL Knight emote.
Person #1 - "Let me see your deck."
Person #2 - "Ok, here"
Person #3 - "Dude, you play golem? I bet your parents are divorced"
Punching an iron golem with a flower will give you a diamond! This wonderful fact is from grians video "Wholesome ways to mess with your friends in minecraft" this addition was added in 1.17.1!
Grian: hey bigb did you know if you punch an iron golem with a flower it will give you a diamond?!
Bigb: no I did not know that Punching an iron golem with a flower will give you a diamond
Lukas: do you know the Black Golems?
Joe: no
Lukas: it‘s the beste coc Clan of the world!
Joe: ohh nice
Lukas: I love the leader (Davyd) and he allows me to play in there
Joe: cool
Black Golems Are the beste coc gamer of the planet