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To "grime" is to pick up a low value girl and pop her on the first night. The word is derived from the french word "grimace" which means grin or wince. A grimace is like a hoe in great physical shape but with some mental problems. To grime is to go out and chase the "grimaces" with a very agressive and cocky attitude.

"Ok guys drop your drinks we're going to grime at the club. "

"Tonight is gonna be a grimy night!!!"

"Let's grime!"

by Kevin M/Edin M/Sacha L/Simon G May 15, 2010

8👍 10👎


An epileptic stanky whore, who is essentially grimey.

Friend 1: You hooked up with Grimes last night?
Friend 2: Yeah so?
Friend 1: Dude that's so nasty, you better check your junk for spots for the next six months.

by angry midget pornstar May 25, 2010

6👍 17👎


A lowdown janky asf person who does the most despicable deplorable shit. To do something something so horrible and unethical it's shocking.

He got his girlfriend and her sister plus their cousin pregnant at the same time?

Yo, that Nigga is Grimes!

She tricked two dudes into paying child support and neither one is the father?

Grimes Bitch just Grimes!

Nigga you peed the bed not because you was drunk but just too lazy to get up?

Nigga you Grimes and nasty asf!

by 2chocolatefiestagirls June 28, 2019

1👍 3👎


expression of disbelief, anger, exasperation, or humor; expression used to indicate a rather poignant situation; often used in conjunction with a raised, open hand

Drunken Bill says to drunken Rich, "Bro, your girlfriend is fatter than shit."

Drunken Chuck, watching the whole situation from the side, exclaims with a raised hand, "GRIME!"

by Iron John Kidd December 17, 2004

5👍 40👎


Golf Term.

A grimee (Gry-me) is a super gimme, often used in vendor golf. Whereas a gimme is usually allowed when the ball is within the leather of the putter, a grimee is given when the ball lies within the length of the flagstick, give or take 5 feet.

Related to a Danagain, which is also used in vendor golf on the tee box.

"Hey Grimee, that's good."

"He said he shot a 91, but took 18 grimees, so realistically, he shot at least a 107."

by Francis Ouimet March 10, 2009

1👍 4👎

junior grimes

- a cringey blonde tik toker who thinks just because he’s unique and unusual that he’s the greatest thing to ever happen to america, he’s literally the most infamous Individual out there that enjoys chaos and doesn’t reaLize that the only reason he’s gotten away with his crimes is because most people don’t give a damn to notice.

Gets by on his good looks and charm, and though every woman wants him badly he’s like a drug; he may seem like euphoria but he’ll destroy you from the inside.

Junior grimes goes under his name “J grimes” and likes these things; woman, money, gyme, music and snout.....

Whomever befriends junior, beware the son of sin as getting close to him comes with a price.

Junior Grimes” for ya

Girl 1: ugh I so need a boyfriend

Girl 2: so you should take up daltons offer and date him , sis

Girl 1: ew noo

*junior grimes shows up*

Girl 1: omg put a baby in me *nearly faints*

Junior Grimes: every single time ;)

Girl 2&3: *wets panties*

“Junior Grimes” defined

by Miss chaos queen July 10, 2021

2215👍 3👎

junior grimes

A sexy tik toker and youtuber perhaps best known for being the youngest male stripper ever. Originated from birkenhead, UK

Junior Grimes is notorious for being offensive and going over the line when it comes to disrespecting others and causing chaos. he’s an actor, rapper, super athlete and a prankster at times. but mostly he’s cringe.

has a little girl (the beak) and mort (willybone) whom often accompany junior on his adventures and missions. Junior considers himself the greatest thing ever when in reality he’s just a 12 yr old trapped in an adult body.

Junior grimes makes YouTube videos and usually does whatever the hell he pleases to since one day he’ll wanna be a chef then the next he’ll go skydiving, it always changes but that’s the charm of grimes, he’s the Jack of all trades.

Aka “J. Grimes” because he makes music too

Wait why the hell does it say he’s Australian??! Junior Grimes is british! Duh !

Junior grimes is an infamous youtuber “

by Hollow Victory July 14, 2021

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