Someone who is unable to handle the modern digital world. A digitally handicapped person choses to live in an analog world and has trouble keeping up with the modern digital world.
A digitally handicapped person can't operate anything digital and have trouble understanding the basic concepts of the digital world like websites and apps.
Digitally handicapped people might try to go digital at some point but are most prone to phishing or social engineering attacks. Boomers who have recently created a Facebook account may or may not be in in this category.
This does not include people who understand the digital world and then choose to be offline for privacy reasons to limit digital footprints.
Person 1: Hey, checkout this app I made for making appointments with doctors online. Isn't it cool?
Person 2: What's an app?
Person 3 to Person 1: Show me, don't worry about him, person 1 is digitally handicapped.
The inability to further one's career as a result of said invidual's inability to play golf.
My green handicap cost me last month's promotion.
Another word for coffin
Carrot: Hey! What do you say you give us a handicap?
Broccoli: Is that another word for coffin?
Its old school and noone wants to use it. needs a new name and a positive vibe!!
The handicap person told me that they hate to use the name handicap.
Goku: Hey why don't you give us a handicap.
Broly: Is that another word for coffin?
Goku: Yes.
1-A person who is disabled
2-Someone who is stupid/does something stupid
“You drank the can of bulmers i had saved you fucking handicap”