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lunchtime hokey pokey

The act of leaving school with one's partner to engage in sexual play.

John: My girlfriend and I got caught sneaking out of school for some lunchtime hokey pokey.
George: Now THAT'S what it's all about.

by Michelle Marks November 11, 2007

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gay hokey pokey

When one fluctuates between being in and out of the closet, based on which is more beneficial to their current circumstances.

"Man, I don't know whether she wants be in or out. She's doing the gay hokey pokey."
"Tony's straight at home, but gay when he's out on the town. You could say he's pulling a gay hokey pokey."

by casserole42069 May 9, 2017

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The Emotional Hokey Pokey

You put your emotions in. You take your emotions out. You put your emotions in and they get shaken all about. You do the emotional hokey pokey and you're left down and out. That's why you're sad not glad.

Mark decided that he should express his feelings to a girl he liked and in doing so she made him do the emotional hokey pokey and it left him mad and confused.

by Wason Jertz October 19, 2008

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lunchtime hokey pokey

The act of leaving school or work to engage in sexual play with one's partner.

John: My girlfriend and I got caught sneaking out of school for some lunchtime hokey pokey.
George: Now THAT'S what it's all about.

by Michelle the Awesome December 2, 2007

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Low Key Hokey Pokey

Fucking on the DL.

Me: Ay gurl, wanna do the low key hokey pokey?
Girl: Okie dokie!

by Funnyyyyyyy joke March 8, 2017

Hokey Cokey Merchant

The HCM is an 'associate' member of Alcoholics Anonymous who seems for whatever reason, unable to stay sober for more than a few days/weeks/months.The HCM will mostly blame their failure on the weather/football results/lack of sex/willpower/backbone.
They are generally to be found around Reading AA meetings looking pasty/yellow/sorry for themselves.

"Knees bend arms stretch ra ra ra"

by Charles October 14, 2004

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hokey pokey ass nigga

A ¨Hokey Pokey Ass Nigga¨ is somebody that usually does questionable homo-erotic things to another person.

Leo: Β¨Man Hunter is a Hokey Pokey Ass Nigga!Β¨
Mercer: Β¨I know right! He was trying to touch my dick last night at that party!Β¨

by Leonardo Riot Garica The Man March 21, 2018