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beer hymen

when you take your first piss of the night, while out drinking you have broken your beer hymen and will not be able to stop pissing after that.

ollie "i need a piss AGAIN"
ben "youve broken you beer hymen man, no stopping it now!!"

by zigsta June 20, 2006

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Hymen Buster

'hI-m&n 'b&s-t&r
N. A non-alcoholic beverage containing equal parts of lemonade and Sprite, and a shot of grenadine. As far as the author can establish, the hymen buster was created by D. Iverson at TGI Friday's in 2006.

I'll have a hymen buster to drink.

by Chris H., Pip R. October 18, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

horse's hymen

Something really tough...very difficult.

"This steak is chewier than a horse's hymen"

"These instructions are proving tougher than a horse's hymen"

by drbollocks August 9, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hymen Ninja

A man who regularly sexually assualts random female, unprovoked. He is very skilled in this kind of ambush and can usually penetrate a woman (or baby) in under 3 seconds.

Girl 1: Holy shit! what was that? Were the fuck is my hymen?

Girl 2: Probably one of those hymen ninjas.

by PooStainJedi March 12, 2009

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hymen grinder

A male who takes considerable pleasure in robbing females of their virginity

"I just put another notch in my V-belt. You can call me the hymen grinder"

by mike shay March 4, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Iron Hymen

n. A woman's staunch dedication to abstinence before marriage, or a reference to her "enrollment" in the Iron Hymen program.

n. A parody website, URL ironhymen.com, sister site to sexisforfags.com, perpetrating to be part of the White House's Youth Purity office. It lists an oath that one must take and follow to stay abstinent until marriage. They also sell cool t-shirts.

Watch out, boys! Thanks to Iron Hymen, you ain't NEVER gonna get inside my baby cave!

by dbrow127 March 14, 2011

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Hymen Muncher

One who munches upon a hymen, this is a very nasty person

You sir are a real hymen muncher

by Beatdowns a Packin December 31, 2011

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