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Tubbo moment

A moment of particular wholesomeness, forgetfulness, naivety, or just a complete lack of brain cells.

playing among us
Dream: Tubbo are you the impostor?
Tubbo (the impostor): yes... WAIT NO
Tommy probably: What a Tubbo moment right chat

by kabandman September 6, 2020

380πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

bonding moment

what you share with your bro if you totally aren’t gay πŸ˜”πŸ‘Š pour one out cuz lance doesn’t remember

β€œwe had a bonding moment!! i cradled you in my arms!”

by andlance September 8, 2018

225πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

A Nigga Moment

A Nigga Moment is a moment when ignorance overwhelms the mind of an otherwise logical Negro male, causing him to act in an illogical, self-destructive manner. Nigga Moments are unpredictable and, if they had their own category, they would be the third leading killer of black men behind pork chops and FEMA. -The Boondocks, Season 1, Episode 4

"What happened to Huey ?" "Oh he just got caught up in a nigga moment, he'll be a'ight."

by MrFreeman January 9, 2020

443πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Lydia Moment

When Lydia does anything you have to say "Lydia Moment"

Lydia: I cried 18 times because of this manga
Geoffrey: Lydia Moment

by James Napoli June 1, 2021

204πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Nigga Moments


Perpetual conflict between niggas over trivial or ignorant things.

However, "niggas" can also create bonds with each other also based on ignorance. This bond is called Nigga Synthesis. Nigga Synthesis is based on a mutual appreciation for ignorance or trivial things. BUT when a Nigga Moment + Nigga Synthesis collides, you result in = COMPLETE DISASTER. Remember this equation, you'll need it later,Nigga.

Nigga Moments
2 Niggas involved.

Nigga 1 bumps into Nigga 2:

Nigga 1: "Watch where you walkin' nigga"
Nigga 2: "Ay, wutchu say nigga?

And a Nigga Moment is born.

by A random Nigga March 7, 2014

1143πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Tomer moment

Used when someone either confused, didnt get the joke or does something stupid

Person 1 : what do you mean?

Person 2 : this is a tomer moment...

by GeneralPutte February 16, 2021

166πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pando moment

A moment of existential angst where there's nothing really wrong, except everything is fucking wrong; a low-level freak out in which the world feels like it's about to end and you're just over everything, undergone by many in quarantine or just trying to live their day-to-day lives. This term was created on Michelle Gomez's Instagram in April of 2020.

"I can't bake anymore, cook anymore, dance anymore, I'm over it! It's a wee bit of a pando moment."

"Crying for no good reason? Piling on the pounds? Staring at the carpet? You might be having a PANDO MOMENT!"

Cred: michellegomezofficial on Instagram

by sadtwissystan April 30, 2020

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