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Very short form of OK or okay.

A: XYZ is a stupid a-hole.
B: K.

by Karl Toffel June 1, 2003

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The ending of every conversation.

Person: Hey!
Person 2: K.

by Otury September 11, 2014

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The quickest way to piss someone off and the quickest way to reply to someone

"Hey wanna watch a movie?"

by ZaynMalikIsGod November 3, 2014

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The most passive aggressive thing one could say (or type)

Hey! I miss you! Hang soon?

by DatGalOverTherejk June 11, 2016

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The letter you use when you lose feeling in the eyebrows

Megan: wanna go to McDonald's

Man with no eyebrows: k
Megan: what
Man with no eyebrows: what

by Man with no eyebrows April 11, 2018

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The ultimate conversation killer, that people use when they are to lazy to say okay, or just cant think of anything else when they are online

Hey there!!!

by Idontsaythis July 31, 2012

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When a girl is mad/annoyed. She uses the word "K"

Boy: I love you bae
Girl: K

Boy: F*ck off
Girl: K

by AldoSmaldo June 21, 2016

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