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Knigger Jockey

Misspelling of the slur "nigger" to get around chat filters.

Means slave owner, usually referred to in a modern sense.

That dude is a KJ (Knigger jockey)! He owned that guy!

by Incognito February 22, 2005

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KJ is a loving warm-hearted girl who shows kindness to everyone. She is a very supportive person, and a great friend to have. She is adorable, and people tend to feel welcomed around her. She is very bubbly and polite to others. She is a very approachable person and rarely ever gets mad or angry.

"Man, I love how I can trust KJ, she's always there for me."

"KJ was there for me, even though she didn't know me, she's great."

by KoalaCamel71 December 26, 2018

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Anyone with this name is the type of person to eat art supplies like macaroni noodles

God kj is such an iPad kid.

by reeeeeeeeeeeeeboi February 18, 2022

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He’s really bitchy and is gay

Kjs gay

by Kjsgay May 31, 2019

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When a man inserts his cock into a woman's vagina but then instantly begins to ejaculate.

1: "Bro I just had intercourse!"
2: "No way bro! How was it?"
1: "I had a kj brooooo"
2: "Damn bro its fine you get it done quick!"

by AFHjjjj December 11, 2017

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Often referred to as KJ Lawson on Kansas Jayhawks who can’t score. When you fuck up at everything. And can’t do nothing right.

Ben: Nicole stop being such a KJ!

by Bsk2000 March 24, 2019

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Carl's Jr (fast food restaurant)
Acronym for Carl's Jr is CJ, but somehow that got switched around to KJ, probably because its catchier and "unique"
mostly used in CA

let's go to KJ and get some crisscutfries

by Yery December 12, 2005

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