When someone's Internet connection has become so unbearably bad that it is laughable and meme worthy. Insinuating that KMart wifi is not desirable.
"Damn John lagged out of the lobby again?"
"Yea he got that KMart connection up & runnin."
K-Mart crowd is comprised of non-tippers, gawkers and people who have voyeristic tendencies but will not pay for anything.
K-mart crowd: "It's a total K-Mart crowd out there," said the 12 hour stripper with $16.
Kmart crowd = wallflowers
Are you guys going to KMart tonight?
Um, I can't. I have to work.
1. Living in a home or operating a business in a run down building, without doing any repairs or renovations to the building; keeping things that were outdated long ago.
2. Using equipment that has been outdated for years.
Named after Kmart, a dying chain that competed against Walmart and Target, but was left to fall apart by the owners.
1. How does that business stay alive? The place is falling apart, and the owner isn't fixing anything. The owner is Kmarting that place.
2. Woah, you're using computer with a floppy disk drive? Somebody is Kmarting here!
A mansion Eminem just put up for sale( for 2 million$) that he rarely ever used anyway.Address is 5760 Winkler Mill Rd In rochester hills, Michigan.
I want the Kmart mansion in Michigan
A store where Australian people shop a lot at and usually come out with more things then they intended
Jasmine: Hey, we should go to Kmart
Elise: Not unless you want to spend all your money!
A nickname for someone who is hated by all, someone who is so unfunny and annoying there's a name for it
"We don't Call him Tyler anymore, call him T Kmart"
"You heard about J Kmart? He said something really offensive today"