A great, original rock band that is often bashed by "Tru-metal" heads just because they are often called nu-metal and the founders of that genre. In reality, they are more of an experimental hard rock/alternative metal band. A lot of bands soon started to imitate KoRn's sound and KoRn along with these bands were called nu-metal and, as a result, "tru-metal" heads bashed KoRn. Also, people say KoRn is what angsty, white, wannabe-goth, suburban teens listen to, but KoRn is one of my favorite bands and I happen to be a city kid and I don't consider myself to be a goth, nor do I try to be one.
Tru-metalhead: Hey, you like KoRn? Damn, I can't stand that nu-metal shit! You must be one of those stupid fucking mindless wannabe non-conformist mall-core kids that from the suburbs!
Me: First off, KoRn isn't nu-metal, and even if they are, they're more original than those other nu-metal bands and they're still be a great band in my eyes, so fuck off! In fact, I don't care what genre they are. Second, I'm not a fucking mall-core kid and I live in the city, so go fuck yourself twice! Third, who gave you the right to categorize me as a person?
Tru-metalhead: Uh... you're a fucking mallcore kid. And KoRn isn't metal (cliche.) And KoRn is mainstream, too, so you're a conformist.
Me: (sigh) Whatever, I don't have the time to be bothered by fuckheads like you.
Tru-metalhead: Must-hate-all-mainstream-rock-music (turns out to be a "tru-metalhead" robot and blows up)
67๐ 67๐
The greatest band out there to start a nu genre of metal. Nu-Metal. Other bands that r similar r SlipKnot, KiTTiE, Static-X and Otep. Any1 who has sum sht to say n KoRn. BEND OVER AND SUCK MY GENITALS B!TCHES!
KoRn is gReat
The Food?
NO IDIOT! K-O-R-N! no c!
22๐ 20๐
The act of playing any Korn song (especially "Here to Stay") to get someone you don't want to talk to to hang up the phone. The song is usually played insanely loud.
Guy 1: Ugh...dude, this crazy chick wont stop fucking calling me!
Guy 2: Did you try korning her yet?
4๐ 1๐
Koßn the best numetal group of all time from bakersfield CA their firs album was self title "Koßn"
Vocal/bagpipes:Jonathan Davis
Lead Guitar:Brian Welch "Head" who has left the band and is now a christian
Rythm:James "Munky" Shaffer (he isnt lead unlike alot of absolute tards think)
Drummer:David Silvera
koßn if frickin sweet and not just for goth kids and 13yr old losers who cant deal with their lives i love koßn and am completely normal i dont sit at home and slit my wrist plus they were on south park which is frickin sweet
korn is sweet
incubus, metallica, distrubed, linkin park, bob marley baby
12๐ 10๐
korn is so hardcore even chuck norris jacks off while listing to korn.
35๐ 37๐
A Nu-Metal band which was famous for their songs all having the exact same riff.
Dun-dun, duh-duh-duh, dun-duh-duh, Dun-dun, duh-duh-duh, dun-duh-duh, Korn's songs all sound the same but they still kick ass!
20๐ 22๐
one of the few nu metal bands that are actually good. when they first started out , they made a unique sound that many shitty nu metal bands tried to copy, gave a big " fuck you " to the music industry , and put lots of energy and emotion into their work . but now ,they're complete sellouts. why ? because now they're the exact opposite of what they once were. now they sound like some kind of shitty pop music band and practically suck the music industry's cock. oh well ....
nu metal sucks, the only good bands are korn , slipknot , and disturbed.
57๐ 87๐