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lisp face

When you can tell someone has a lisp just by looking at them.

โ€œThat chick from American Horror Story has a serious Lisp Face.โ€

by Hugnkiss714 January 16, 2019

Smol Lisp

a gender fluid nickname made for a weird cute friends, it became popular on a small discord server but has started to spread.

i love smol lisp they are great at art!

by RainiKid January 11, 2018

xanax lisp

a temporary speech impairment experienced by bar tards while on Xanax or until they sober up.
a xanax lisp usually includes the inability to pronounce words with s.

Susan: "We had to send Jimmy to speech class because he started getting a lisp."
Johnny: "He didn't really have a lisp, it was just a Xanax lisp because Jimmy's a bartard."
Jimmy: "Guy'th, I don't have a li'th'p. I've just been poppin' xan'th' before work everyday."

by Hairsway June 22, 2018

Whistle lisp

A whistle lisp is defined by producing a slight whistling noise when pronouncing words beginning with "s" or "sh". Most noticible when conversing with elderly gay men with possible dental or identity issues.

Mr. Herbert ssssssaid that SSSSSweet SSSSSam'sssssss sssssalute wasssssss ssssssloppy and sssssaucy. He sssssent Ssssssam sssssstateside to practicccccccce that sssssssaucy sssssalute. These words all have a whistle lisp.

by Alfonso T. Watt May 16, 2010

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When your mouth is full of biscuits and you try to talk - but the biscuit gets in the way of your tongue, so you form a lisp.

*mouth full of biscuits*
Person 1: "ah I just love these biscuits
Person 2: "yeah, you finna get a bisc-lisp'

by Finna Get Loose April 20, 2016

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blowjob lisp

A Homosexual speech impedimentlisp. A way to recognize a Homosexual by there flaming lisp.

That man has a blowjob lisp he must be a homosexual.

by Purple Mushroom December 20, 2006

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Louisville Lisp

The act of reciting your ABC's with a mouthful of wang.

Betsie really had trouble pronouncing LMNOP because of her debilitating Louisville Lisp. And because my dick was in her mouth.

by Bruce Bushtickle February 4, 2005

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