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Liverpool is a coastal city in the North West of England, it has a long history as a trade port within the British Empire flourishing in that time predominantly due to its part in the slave trade and has been in decline ever since. Liverpool was awarded the title "European Capital of Culture" in 2008 after gun, drug and gang were introduced in the scoring system and the city wiped the board.
Liverpool is known for its rough, ugly and self-pitying people who will band together and indulge in huge amounts of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth rather than just picking themselves up and getting on with it. The best example of this is the 96 supporters of Liverpool Football club who were crushed to death by their fellow fans 20 years ago who they people from Liverpool still can't shut about for some reason despite them being killed by their fellows.
All in all Liverpool is a horrible little city devoid of any charm and is best avoided.

Liverpool dole scrounger "Everybody picks on us, its sho unfaaaair!!!
Now Where's me grio la?"

by The_truth_teller_two March 26, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


Liverpool is a large city in northwest England, possibly best known for the two rival Football teams, Liverpool and Everton.

The people of Liverpool are generally known as 'Scousers', most of them are unemployed, partly because of Asians coming into the city, but mostly because most of them lack general skills, I would say 67% of Scousers receive 'Dole', 30% sell drugs and the other 3% are hard working individuals.

Liverpool does have its small handful of decent, helpful people, but the majority are scum that ride around on cheap pushbikes wearing Nike Airmax or PUMA tracksuits. The accent is highly annoying and sounds extremely aggresive. Mind you, many Scousers are highly aggresive and like to act hard whenever possible. Although when they do end up in a fight, they get completely leathered, because of the fighting skills they lack.

'Scousers' and 'Mancs' are natural enemies and like to argue and fight whenever possible, Mancs are alot like Scousers, Eg. The unemployment I mentioned earlier, Aggresive. They constantly argue about Football etc and like to boast about their 'Fighting Skills' to each other.

One Scouser you probably would of heard of is ''Michael Shields'', A Scouse bastard that murdered a Bulgarian.


Type into YouTube:
'Liverpool Gangs'
'Crocky Crew', They show you their BB Gun :O
'Hawthorne Riot Squad'
'Michael Shields' < The Scouse bastard that killed a Bulgarian with a brick because of his aggression.

by TheOneYouHate May 31, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž


The scummiest town in the UK. Thieving tracksuit wearing scumbags who are all on dole, and all speak with an annyoing accent.

"Was driving back through Liverpool last night...made sure my doors were locked and windows were up"

by soghdgrn February 9, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž


High school In the General CNY aera that rivals with CNS and Bville, NO one can stop there soccer,track, swimming teams

Liverpool Fucks CnS up every year

Liverpool 3 years in row section 3 champs

by Greg March 5, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


So sexy

'Liverpool so sexy'

by Patrico89 December 6, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The capital of crime in Sydney. Random fights everyday. Also the home of FC.

*5 Serbians bash random guy at westfields shopping center*
Serb: "Wait.. Why are we doing this?"
Serb #2: "It's Liverpool."

by Splaticus December 4, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in the north west of England full of aggressive, chip on their shoulder, horrible people. Most of the men are sheep and wear and look like each other as their afraid to be different. All trends are chavy unpleasant styles that if youre not wearing, you will be looked at strangely. About 15 years ago it was North face, then it moved to under armour tracksuits. Now its Montriex, another stupid chavy brand that everyone and their fucking nan wears.

My advice, stay away from this city as I unfortunately have lived the majority of my 30 years so far.

What's that place Liverpool like dad?
Horrible, never go there son

by June 29, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž