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Though common misspelling of the world lolz. Lulz also mean that you like the cock and that you have a birth defect that makes you testicle sack or more commonly known as ball sack connected directly to your butt hole , there for making you a faggot. The current Definition #1 for lulz is very incorrect and has been marcoed to the top of the list. believe what ever you want.

Example is a aim conversation.
User1: Yo wat up
User1: Have you seen my binders by any chance? I think I lost them.
User2: Lulz sux 4 u
User1: You just basically called your self a fag.
User1: And your ball sack is probably connect right to ur ass.
User2: I meant lolz, i kno how homosexual lulz is.

by Jayto4Life haha September 9, 2007

66๐Ÿ‘ 335๐Ÿ‘Ž


LULZ is an abbreviated version of LOL("Laughing Out Loud"), mostly used by so called computer hackers. LULZ was brought into popularity by the popular computer hacking group: "Anonymous".

I took over that n00bs syst3m lulz.

by Subless July 2, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


the funny things i say with my friends. means LOL. hehe. and is totally random. used to confuse people and make it look like you have a secret language.

Luke: hi
Me: heyy
Luke: whats up?
Me: nothing much.
Luke: cool
Me: lulz
Luke: what does 'lulz' mean
Me: your not cool enough to know, even if you are Luke. hehe lulz
Luke: now im offended. lulz
Me: No. just no luke. no

by sexysoftballplayerbesties February 5, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lulz is derived from LOL, which stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is a form of Internet slang with orgins residing in Leet talk. In my experience, the connotation is more sarcastic, ridiculing the use of any form of the acronym or the joke being made. In some circles, it is also considered a pun on the word Lull, reinforcing the sarcastic connotation.

"What did the cow say to the horse? Moooove."


by Canyouhearmenow7 April 3, 2015

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

epic lulz

LULZ is a corruption of L-O-L which stands for laugh out loud. often used by the internet gang of hackers on steroids known as anonymous. anonymous gets big lulz from pulling random pranks but for truly epic lulz anonymous does raids and invasions.

ass: i am gunna sue
anon: oh lawd a lolsuit
anon: his ip adress is xxxxxxxxxx
ass: take that down now
anon: butthurt
anon: epic lulz
anon: lulz

by insanet August 21, 2007

428๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


That which would be categorized as either completely unfunny, fail, or just plain old depressing.

Wow that new site oh internet is full of anti-lulz...

by Starman8472 April 19, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

lulz killer

A common term in both internet and RL conversations. Someone who's sole ambition in life is to stop others from getting lulz or sometimes even epic lulz; often an internet user in a postion of power who tries to stop lulz-worthy acts of anarchy.

Person 1: WTF? Some n00b mod on wikipedia reverted my lulztastic edits to this page.
Person 2: What a Lulz Killer
Person 1: ZOMG this admin disabled my uber CS hacks; now I'll have to get headshots using only skill.
Person 2: o_O What an EPIC Lulz Killer

by Master. A. N. Onymous January 27, 2008

105๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž