a short term for Mother F**ker
Or Emarhys.
Stuart: Heyy MoFo
Caitlin: Poor MoFo
Occasionally used as a derogatory term, a mofo is a person who copulates with with mothers.
However, it is more commonly used in the art collecting community to refer to a particular type of Malaysian ornament, standing for “Malaysian oriental figure ornaments”, Mofos are extremely rare and valuable collectibles selling as much as £5M each. Because of their relatively high value, they are sometimes referred to as the Fabrerge eggs of the East.
Did you see the Mofo I found in Malasia? It was an amazing piece but a bit over budget.
mofo is a short way to say motherfucker and can be used in any mood.
"grrr i hate you mofo" 😡
"washannin mofo" 😗 LMAOOO
Mofo is a other way of saying bitch so the teacher won't understand what y'all are saying
A short word for motherfucker
White guy: dumbass
Black guy: stfu, stupid white mofo
Mofo is short for motherfucker
White guy: dumbass
Black guy: stfu, stupid white mofo
A short abbreviation for “motherfucker” just in a polite, respectful way.
Person1(“isn’t one plus nine three?”)
Person2(“ You a slow mofo. “)
Person1(“Gosh darn it. ”)