you got that potato head that’s like 12 feet long.
caleb mooney has a fucking potato head
caleb mooney can be very sweet and caring but his armpits smell like onion and his head is shaped like a potato and it 12 feet long
caleb mooney is a cool dude with a potato head
A person who is your best friend for almost two years and then after winter break they change into a complete and utter B**CH. You have a crush on them and they have a crush on you too. You finally actually tell them and they ghost you. You ask them to a dance and they say that they're not available on that day. You are in class together for both of those two years. You have so many inside jokes about a kid who moved and was rude to you and him. You give him your number and he just ghosts you even more. And then you moved and he changed so much and you don't have a crush on the current him but still have a crush on the old him.
You: I really like Tyler Dunkin Mooney he's so nice.
Two years later
You: He is so rude and he changed so much.
A ginger lad who has Huge tits and always gets friendzoned
Girl:sorry we're just friends
Ryhan:get im an Oisin mooney
The idea of doing shit without knowing what you're doing.
Person 1: "What are you doing?"
Person 2: "Fixing my car."
Person 1: "Do you know what you're doing?"
Person 2: "Not in the slightest."
Person 1: "That's called Mooneyism dumbass."
Girl: she just yelled at the waiter because she put a lemon in her water
Boy: yea that’s definitely one of those Mooney kids
Quite possible the gayest combination of cum guzzling wanna-be-rich kids. Encounters with Mooney kids include Failed athletes, sub 3 Gpa's, no bitches, white claw gladiators, feins, and the flatest most ratchet girls to exist.
Q: Oh you go to Cardinal Mooney Highschool?
A: Ya what about it?
Q: Fuck you....