Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We're not a cult, we don't want to force religion down your throat, and we whole-heartedly accept that you have your own opinion. We believe our church's doctrine to be true, yet many of the members are still quite flawed (myself included, as well as many others who have attempted to tell you what we're all about).
If you really want to know about our church, talk to the missionaries. Members have a tendency to twist what we believe in their own ways. The missionaries will (for the most part) set you straight on our beliefs. They will never force what they have to say upon you. If you don't want them around, just politely tell them so. Trust me, I was a missionary myself. You can be mean to them, but they'll just make fun of you (like anybody else would).
The only real way for people to tell us apart from everyone else (and no, it's not our horns...although they're really quite stylish) is from the things we DON'T do. For example, we don't drink coffee or tea, and we don't have sex before we're married. By choice, mind you. Our members are free to drink as much coffee as they want, or look up as much porn as they want. Seems to me that being able to NOT do such things is a great exercise in self-control. Most people don't seem to like that because they themselves do not have the same self-control and they want to put down anyone else who does.
Please don't disparage Joseph Smith. We revere him as a great man. It's not his church, and we don't worship him. We follow our Savior Jesus Christ (although sometimes as members we have a tendency to think of that as a given, and could probably be more vocal about it).
We're not perfect. Neither are you. If you don't like us, that's fine. We accept that. We've heard everything you have to say about us. While most of it is either untrue or twisted, we allow you to have your own opinion. You don't have to join our church, so I don't see why everyone feels the need to condemn us. I don't remember Christ telling us to condemn another who believes and follows Him.
Do you?
I myself am a Mormon and I love our church. We've got some really amazing people who do some really amazing things. I mean...who DOESN'T love the Osmonds??? (That was a joke) But heck! Did you know the dude that invented the TV was Mormon? Holy crap, it's true! Philo Farnsworth. Look it up!
If you want to learn more about us visit or Good luck to us all.
Mormons rock! (just a little lighter than others, that's all)
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An adjective describing someone who is, or acting, happy, white, extremely nice.. well, Mormon.
I am feeling Mormon today!
She's so Mormon... we went to a bar and she had a diet coke!
He walks around smiling at people. What a Mormon!
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-1/4th shot of lemon juice
-3/4th shot of Captain Morgan
Mixing Captain "Mor"gan and Le"mon" making "Mormon"
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A term used to describe members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
For reference, Mormons don't curse black people, don't hate homosexuals, aren't polygamists, don't drink kitten blood and ACTUALLY ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE FUN. Crazy, right? I know, I know, schooled you all. *hairflip*
Plus, they are not brainwashed, nor forced to do anything they don't want to. They have the freedom to choose how they live, there are just guidelines set to help them on their way to being the best they can be.
For reference, I myself am Mormon. So trust me, I am perfectly mediocre and average, in the best sense possible.
Please stop mocking Mormons because you are afraid of what you don't understand.
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Of or relating to the deluded, romantic, moronic writings of Stephanie Meyer and other authors that share her religious upbringing.
"I'm gonna blow your Frickin' head off!",a quote from New Moon, is just one example of the Mormonic skewed perspective on life that some people whose religion is based in Utah have.
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A colloquial term encompassing the combination of doctrine, culture and lifestyle unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While the term was originally a pejorative invented by persecutors of the Church, it has since become largely acceptable and is even used among some Latter-day Saints.
According to The Associated Press Stylebook, the term βMormonismβ is not correctly applied to Protestant groups such as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Community of Christ, etc..
Salt Lake City, Utah, is to Mormonism what Vatican City is to Catholicism: an international headquarters serving the needs of adherents in many nations across the world.
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A religion that is greatly misunderstood. Many only know them because of their missionaries that visit door-to-door. Many misconceptions are that they can have more than one wife. That is a lie. When the church was restored by Joseph Smith (who was not a crazy guy) everyone was allowed to have more than one wife. Another, we do not offer money to God or Jesus, it's called tithing. It is given to the church to pay for more churches, temples, the MTC (Missionary Training Center), etc. Another is that people believe we created a new Bible. That is incorrect. Joseph Smith recovered the Book of Mormon about a century ago after praying to God, asking about which religion to join. God answered said none were right. We also do not believe that you have to be a mormon, or you'll go to hell. Only those who are truly evil go to hell (murderers, rapists, ect.) Some of us do have many children because one of our duties is to have as many as possible, but it isn't like we actually have hundreds like many people joke around about. Also, we aren't really called 'Mormons,' that is just the slang term. We are actually LDS, or Latter-Day Saints. One last thing; we believe in God the Father, Christ the Son, and in the Holy Ghost. They are the Godhead, separate but one. Three different people, all here for the same thing.
Person 1: Hey, what church do you go to?
Person 2: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Person 1: Isn't that Mormon?
Person 2: That's what many know us by.
Person 1: Wow. Just want to say, Joseph Smith was some crazy old guy. I can't believe you worship him. Oh, and you like, sacrifice money to him or something. That's just stupid.
Person 2: He wasn't crazy, he was blessed. If you actually want to learn some real facts about us then read the Book of Mormon.
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