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alec muller

Should give v-bucks to a certain epic gamer sitting to his right

I am gonna be an alec muller and be a nice person for once

by epicgamer69420ree October 14, 2019

Muller Delight

A fourm of orgasum usually performed by people from Wales.

My girlfriend put on her strap on did me from behind while tugging me off. Afterwards we used a spoon to eat it of the floor like a muller yogurt, "what a muller delight that was" I said to my sexual partner whilst our lips drizzled in goodness.

by BIGC23 February 23, 2023

ms. muller

A bitch

Ms. Muller is a little bitch who will never be loved

by Dodorlrl June 8, 2016

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Muller riced

This is when you have eaten so much that you are well and truely stuffed and cannot eat anymore

"Do you want some trifle?"
"No ta, I'm muller riced"

by kezuke May 30, 2007

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blake muller

Direct Quote by the man himself, "pain", he is the twig bloke of the group but he will always carry the sexiest mullet.

Look at that guy over there he looks exactly like a Blake Muller

by BIG4420MAN July 23, 2020

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Frauksi, Fraulein Frauke, Katherine Helga Muller

The longest legal name to have Frau three times in it, Frauksi meaning Miss in Finnish, Fraulein meaning young woman, and Frauke meaning little lady in German.

The literal translation being Miss, young and little Katherine Helga Muller.

Jackie: Hey Ken did you hear about Katherines new titles?
Ken: its more than Frau now?
Jackie: yeah she now goes by Frauksi, Fraulein Frauke.
Ken: Frauksi, Fraulein Frauke, Katherine Helga Muller, yeesh try saying that three times fast.


by Wakko Kakko March 15, 2021

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The first railway murder committed by Franz MΓΌller.
Bludgeoned Thomas Briggs to death.
So if you had serious head injuries, you was Mullered!

'you see the state of him?...he got mullered'

by jimmyap September 4, 2022