A special dog treat formulated to put that neighborhood yapper into doggie dreamland for the night when you can’t sleep.
I threw just one of the Yapper Napper Treats to my neighbor’s dog and heard her snap it up in a second; it was no yapping after that, I slept like a baby!
1. Someone who is the global champ of napping in general
2. A professional, decorated, napper
ie. Kenya is a WBN World's Best Napper champ 18 years running.
ie. Key is the World's best napper .
ie. Michael could never be a World's Best Napper .
Here's a dude that likes to go around cock knocking everybody. Most likely he's a little boy beatin on his dad's weewee b'cause he's made the young lad watch his mom such his cock long enough to inspire that kind of backwards turning hating
That little caper de napper just beat the hell out of daddy's cock. Look at em go!
When all you wanted to do was take a quick nap but instead you slept for three hours and you are incredibly confused and cranky.
Tim had a long day and wanted to nap for thirty minutes but instead slept on for four hours! He's probably suffering from Nappers regret.
Tim: Fuck! I'm even more tired than before. I've got Nappers regret...
I'm still a little rebellious but enjoy my naps. So I might call myself a "Gangsta Napper".
He was kind of Gangsta back in the day and loved his rap music. But now he's kind of settling down and enjoys his naps in the afternoon. So now he's just more of a "Gangsta Napper".
A napper is anyone who naps someone or something that does not belong to them
Nap is slang for stealing or taking without permission
Definition of Napper : anyone who takes a person or thing without permission
Napping victim : Dingo took my baby it (napped) it right off the porch
Police officer : ma’am you expect me to believe that a dingo came from out of nowhere and (napped) your baby
Napping victim : officer you have to believe me my baby was (kidnapped) by that damn dingo it took my baby
My neighbor is a napper as he listens to NPR four hours a day.