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Someone who has little to no empathy, manipulates others, gaslights (makes others doubt their reality), lies incessantly, believes their own lies. They make you doubt your emotions and then call you crazy. They rage for absolutely no reason and you end up apologizing. It can be a parent, friend, brother, sister, boss, spouse. In the beginning they love bomb you into believing they are prince/princess charming. Then they slowly start to abuse you to have you believe you are insane. It's all to control you. They will isolate you from your family and friends!! They are compulsive liers and don't care about anyone at all! They constantly need someone making them special!! They sleep with anything and anyone including your friends and family! They have no boundaries...THEY ARE THE DEVIL!!

My ex Kiel Carr comes across so charming, kind and thoughtful but BEWARE!! Because he's the Devil, n he will destroy you!! don't be fooled by his mask because you will see! Mr. Carr is a NARCISSIST!!!

by AbLovesya February 8, 2020

17👍 3👎


Someone who lacks empathy (even with loved ones) such as self numbing. This person wouldn’t normally feel anything and usually doesn’t give much importance to things others will normally get emotional over. Arguing would be their hobby and always state to be right/never wrong. This person wouldn’t necessarily be considered bad but not the best friend either. They will always go for the side no one agrees on simply to start an argument. They believe then can do something better than someone else and make everything a competición. A narcissist is very pridefull and would have a very hard time talking about their emotions with the intentions of hiding their weaknesses

Person A: Wow hes so fast I’ll practice running so I can be like him.

Narcissist: I can run faster than him.

Person B: I haven’t seen my best friend in a long time I really miss her

Narcissist: ehh idrc if she wants to see me she will.

by Renae Miranda June 1, 2018

11👍 2👎


a guy who can get a boner by looking at himself in the mirror.

soooo i found out last night i am a narcissist...

by Se7enEi8htNi9e April 7, 2009

763👍 369👎


A self proclaimed asshole who loves to put people down to fill in for childhood traumas from the past, That to this day haunt them along with there low self asteem low ambition for all theyve become is a workforce slave working to achieve nothing at all because they arnt intellectually awoken to sufice the outmost challenges in our world today.

They often refer others intellectuals as jack offs, Morrons, no lifes, lames,losers all for the very simple fact that they have no shell to abide to therefor making them susceptible to low self esteem and other physiological dogmas to which they have no idea they even excist under an exhibitionist alter ego stance that solidifies who they are.

That guy is a real piece of work huh?
Yeah they call him trip around these here parts. He must of drank himself through the navy!

That guy is a real piece of work huh?
Yeah they call him trip around these here parts. He must of drank himself through the navy! What a narcissist cunt bag!

by Regulo Caro September 2, 2018

17👍 4👎


Twittter user.

Joe is a narcissist because he thinks people give a shit about his Twitter updates.

by Bob McJob August 10, 2009

86👍 36👎


A person who believes his or her own lies.
A person in love with themself.

Paris Hilton is a complete narcissist in thinking she is pretty but she is not

by Banal Nee Josh December 22, 2007

139👍 64👎


As such, the person with NPD usually displays arrogance and a distorted sense of personal superiority, and seeks to establish abusive power and control over others. Self-confidence (a strong sense of self) is a personality trait different from the traits of narcissistic personality disorder; thus, people with NPD typically value themselves over others, to the extent of openly disregarding the wishes and feelings of anyone else, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements.Socially, the person with narcissistic personality disorder usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), intolerance of criticism, and a tendency to belittle other people, in order to validate his or her own superiority.

Narcissist are created through abuse, emotional neglect and manipulation.
You are also a Narcissist just by that post alone

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 28, 2019

9👍 2👎