"neighbours" a racist dogwistle used by some white people
Yeah Daniella moved to a new place they keep complaining about all the "neighbours" living in the area.
bascially calling someone the n word without saying it.
This neighbour?
Bruh look at that neighbour!
Neighbours outside?
The best group in the world, AKA @69Neighbours
damn 69 neighbours is the sexiest group!
A word used by white people who don't want to say the n-word
Sven:Yo Jerome you my neighbour
Jerome: Did you just call me the n-word
Sven:No i said neighbour thats not racist
A word white people say instead of nigga, because they can't say the n word.
John (white) "What's up my neighbour!"
Tyrone (black) "Get fucked cracker!"
When you and your bro are simultaneously fucking fat chicks in opposite rooms and can hear each other
Bro I totally heard you last night!
Bro I heard you too!
Oh god we were neighbour gunting!!!
Covering your hands in jalapeño or hot sauce before masturbating.
Juan quickly finished preparing his burrito and made sure to cover his hands in hot sauce before giving himself a Mexican Neighbour.