the best fucking music around! metal will never die and will live on forever!
Pantera, metallica, slayer, megadeth, exodus, nuclear assult, lamb of god etc. if you have never heard of H.M.P, go check them out right fucking now...they are a metal band from Northbend washington or the seattle area.
25๐ 8๐
Metal, Adj.:
1. Music normally played at a loud volume, with fast tempos, extrodinary guitar, solid bass, and a strong drum beat (drumming is normally played with double bass drums). Metalheads normally start out listening to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, etc. But from the point where one starts listening to "heavy" music, one's insatiable thrist for metal cannot be quenched. So, much like a drug, listeners get adicted, and they look for heavier and faster bands, such as: Death, Venom, Slayer, Sodom, Motorhead, and Pantera. Most don't dare go beyond this group of bands, for fear of geting their fucking heads blown off. But, some do still persue yet heaver bands such as: Napalm Death, Kreator, Pig Destroyer, Cannibal Corpse, and the infamous Mayhem.
Metal, Noun or Verb:
2. Usually replacing "cool", "awesome", or other words such as that, which are "extreme". For instance, "Holy shit dude, that was so fucking metal!"
"metal" can also be a verb, such as, "lets go do somthing metal", which means "lets go do somthing fun or exciting".
"Now thats metal!"
-Sebastian Bach
"Oh man... that... was so metal"
"Ok, lets go listen to some metal"
When Zakk Wylde was asked to discribe metal, he anwsered with a long swig of his pale ale, a respectfull huff, and a, "Metal.... is... metal"
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Fast, brutal, epic, catchy, full of power, skill,technical ability and full of diversity. Able to suit most musical needs for those seeking them. Those who have limited or no knowledge of metal music shouldnt judge it! For those wanting to know, Metal music contains many sub-genres including Heavy, Death, Melodic Death, Black, Doom, Power, Thrash, Speed, Folk, Industrial, Progressive, Metalcore & Nu-Metal to name a few. Black Sabbath arguably invented Heavy + Doom Metal which was later characterised by bands like Iron Maiden.'Death' along with other bands like Celtic Frost started the Death Metal movement, Venom invented Black Metal + was later characterised by bands like Mayhem, Emperor & Burzum. Bands like Dark Tranquility and In Flames characterised Melodic death or gothenburg metal. Thrash metal was basically defined by Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Testament, Sodom & Sepultura. While the more recent and commercially successful genres include Nu-Metal popularised by bands like Korn, Mudvayne, Papa Roach & Slipknot. While Metalcore includes bands like Killswitch engage, Trivium, Caliban & Shadows fall. While progressive metal includes bands like Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation & Apocalyptica. Contrary to believe there is no such genre as Emo-Metal (which most metal fans will express their hate/dislike for emo music and its fans). Bands that are considered to be Emo-Metal like Atreyu & Avenged Sevenfold most likely fall into the Hardcore category seperate from metal. Goth-Metal also doesnt exist, although some bands take several gothic elements in their image such as Cradle of filth. All in all, Metal is a great diverse form of music that was just meant to be kept 'underground' (away from mainstream media). Furthermore, people should stop acting ignorantly towards metal i.e. accusing metal as being satanic and/or dumbass + violent. Music is just a form of expression and metal chooses to explore the sensations in which softer rock music fails to reach.
Heavy Metal (Classic) - Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Motorhead
Thrash - Pantera, Metallica, Sepultura, Soulfly, Megadeth
Death/Melodic death - Death, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom (debatable), In Flames, Cannibal Corpse
See definition for some other examples of different subgenres. In conlusion all metal (with some exceptions ofcourse) kicks ass!
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A person, who listens to metal.
Is usually seen wearing a band t-shirt. Usually has long hair, beer, tattoos and still wearing their old download festival wristbands.
"Woah, that guys metal...he's wearing a Pantera T-shirt...true metaller..."
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Joe: That Pantera concert kicked ass!
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Good. God's gift to all humanity.
Metal is metal, fuck the sub-genres, if its metal its metal, if its not its not. Slipknot is metal, but probably the weakest form existing.
Lamb of God, Bohemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Kataklysm, etc are all real metal.
By the way, a good band I recently found 'War of Ages' is amazing, check it out.
Metal Heads is a stereotype for the typical metal enthusiast (excuse the fail spelling). Metal heads dont give a fuck about what people think of them, DO NOT wear any specific type of clothing, they wear whatever the fuck they want, they are loyal to metal.
Metal Heads are often looked down upon and are thought to be alcahol and/or drug abusing, stupid, ignorant, greasy fuckups. WRONG. There are some Metal Heads who are like this, for personal reasons, NOT because of their music. Metal Heads, are usually loud, hae a good sence of humor, well educated, get pissed off when people diss their genre, dislike mainstream, are VERY accepting, genuine people who will do what they can to help out, and so much more.
If your in a moshpit, and you fall over or the Metal Heads around you think your feeling uncomfortable, they will help you out and make sure your alright.
Don't judge us Metal Hewads before you know us.
Metal heads: *chanting* Lamb of God! Lamb of God Lamb of God! Lamb of God!
Fail Fag: *walks past* Lam of god iz sht bo, lsten 2 mahh rahp bo, itz teh sht bo.
Metal heads: Fuck you!! *plays "Black Label"*
Fail Fag: Crys and runs to his fail fag friends who are all stoned
65๐ 30๐
the most infamous person on campus when referring to metalheads. the most hardcore of the hardcore metalheads.
Metal Will is so hardcore, he has his own metal radio show!
19๐ 8๐