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north stanly high school

A school containing extreme wannabe rednecks who claim to be broke but have $60,000 trucks sitting in the parking lot ready to drive back to the 5 car garage at home. The minority includes emo kids who express pain by begging to be hit or stabbed.

That kid at North Stanly High School asked me to stab him yesterday. I spit my dip in his face.

by WendysTweets April 18, 2017

21👍 1👎

North Rockland High School

A fucking disgusting place that should not exist. Shit food. Shit staff. Shit students. And of course, shit teachers. At first I loved this school, really! But now its just filled with Thot Freshmen, Nicotine Addict Sophomores, Stressed Juniors, and Stoner Seniors. Not to mention the food. Holy shit. 4/5ths of the food isn't food. The students all have fake New York accents. For ex. Why don't you talk normal. NY Accent: Why don you toke normal. Freshmen and Juniors tend to think they are affiliated with the gang, Crips. Anyone with a lunch period does not eat lunch, but they go to the dugouts to smoke by the pound. Mostly spending the rest of their day, high. Seniors tend to shove Freshmen in lockers and Sophomores do most of the shoving, from their experience and traumatization of being bullied from last year. Even though this school is shit, everyone still loves to rep it and act like it's a better school than any others in the county. Please, don't post this on your story.

*Walks inside North Rockland High School*


by ull never find out April 28, 2020

19👍 3👎

north boone high school

A particularly ho-dunk school in the middle of Fuckall nowhere, Illinois. Mascot is the North Boone Vikings

"Where did you attend high school?"
"North Boone High School"

by LegitWalrus January 5, 2017

North Harford High School

The school located in Northern Harford County near the Baltimore County and Pennsylvania lines. Yes, we have an extensive Agriculture Department, an on-campus barn with livestock, and a "Drive Your Tractor To School" Day. But that's ok. We are awesome kids who throw the best damn field parties ever and we'd rather be labeled as "hicks" than be a Fallston heroin addict. We always say "hello" and are genuinely the nicest and most sincere people you will ever meet. The parking lot consists of BIG trucks and...more trucks. We drink beer, listen to country music, and wear Carhartts all year long. We hang out in barns, fields, or anywhere the 4-wheel drive can take us. Our sports teams are awesome...fear the hawk. We have the usual cliques - preps, jocks, freaks, geeks and plain Janes but we all share one common pride, "Once a duckfarmer, always a duckfarmer."

Green for the Grass, Gold for the Corn...bitch

by DuckFarmer March 26, 2005

273👍 71👎

North Catholic High School

best school in the wips. far superior than hampton since they beat them every game. most people are friendly but its very cliquey. they all have a football and drinking problem and I f you don’t go to any football or basketball games you will be looked down upon. on the bright side the after parties are lit. the girls are HOT but they’re bitches . 99% of the girls here are sluts and do not act catholic at all. if you go to one north party you will get trashed, they party every weekend. they think they’re the shit cus their partner school mhs is also one of the best schools. if you can’t handle hate and judgment i suggest you go to their partner school, but it will be the same since they all know each other but there are perks. but hey you get to go there 3 days a week. side note teachers will shove their religion down your throat. btw we don’t have rats (if you don’t get this then you’re not an og)

“You going to the next north catholic high school football game Friday”

“Nah man I have an essay due”
Go fuck yourself and transfer schools”

by Olivia Posh April 14, 2018

North Central High School

North Central High School is fill led with some of the baddest bitches and the finest niggas you will ever meet y'all sleep on NC and we also got a bomb ass science program. We keep our circles small and if you need weed or carts just ask anyone they got you fs .

And most of our teacher are lame asf but some of them really really cool. There's a lot more I can say like how you can get a ratchet ass bitch with some bomb sex but I'mma leave it like dis for now and for all the youngins that don't go to North Central you a whole ass retard 🤷🏽 ♀️

"Damn you ever been to North Central High School? "
"No but I wish I went there, I heard they school hella fun"

by Mamas😘 August 13, 2020

1👍 1👎

North Branford High School

a hole in the wall school. its basically a long hallway with a square at the end. The Courtyard has no point to it no one can use it. Saulis ruined everything for that school. theres nothing to do except go to the library or just leave. this school is a joke.

North Branford High school is a joke school, dont waste your time.

by xxxhartexxx July 31, 2011

31👍 6👎