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nubby nub

Sweet bundle of joy

He's my nubby nub.

by Kellzk May 15, 2016

Nubby Ken

Now this person is absolutely stunning, they are kensexual and have no limbs

Hey nubby ken 😏”

by Dungeon Dicks October 8, 2020

Nubby Hubby

A charming, good looking man, that is considered husband material with missing appendages or fingers. Hence having nubs, therefore, making him a “Nubby Hubby”. Commonly known as a single man in the Indianapolis area who ghosts women on dating sites after giving them a nub rub. (See other definitions)

Nubby hubby gave me some action tonight with his strong hand.”

by DaWrongBish January 22, 2022


Nubbie Means ;
1:Your new in that game.
2:Used to bully a new player in game.

Oh man you're a NUBBIE!
You are so nub you're a NUBBIE!

by ImmaNubPro May 5, 2019


A nickname/slang term for an amputee.

Sally: Yeah my aunt is a Nubbie
Ben: A what?
Sally: You know, a Nubbie- An amputee
Ben: Oh that’s a new one

by Honeybeea12 February 26, 2021

nubby wonder

it’s a nubby wonder. a nubby wonder is a nubby wonder. that’s it.

but if it was to be something. it would be someone with no libs. just a torso and head.

“omg Racheal do you see that guy over there. he has no libs
“Yeah he’s a nubby wonder “

by hberwick19 October 22, 2019

1👍 1👎


A dumbass who thinks he is the greatest wiz dataminer of all time, even though he is one of the worst

"Woah! Nubby comparing his negative experiences with someone of a rape victim, even though his situation was never like that!

by Extract Imp July 7, 2023