Source Code

Patron Ticket

When betting on sporting matches, a series of bets that when combined on one ticket will total signifcant winnings with a minimal bet. After winning such a ticket, a round of Patron shots could be easily purchased without worry of the cost.

"I could win $875 on my $3 bet with this Patron Ticket. All I need now is for the Royals to beat the A's by 2 runs or more."

"When I win my Patron Ticket, I'm gonna buy a round of Patron for everyone. All the haters, however, will get a Patron shot in the eye"

by Nips Gurunt June 13, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

El Patron

The Boss/Lord. Someone who is in charge.

Pablo Escobar was the greatest Colombian drug lord. Pablo Escobar, El Patron.

by 7abub July 4, 2013

197๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

patron hands

1. when Edward Fortyhands isn't enough to fuck you up, and you feel you need a challenge; the game generally ends in the participants death

2. an explanation for why some one would do something completely fucked up, or any explanation at all really

1. fuck my life, time to get drunk as shit, patron hands!!!!!

2. guy 1 "dude why is andrew passed out balls up naked in the living room?" guy 2 "patron hands"

by axis6a August 15, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

expecto patron

A charm that calls into existence a shot of tequila. This gets much harder to do correctly if one tries to do it 3 or 4 times in a row, with the exception of very high-tolerance casters. It should be noted that Dumbledore could cast the charm wordlessly.

"Expecto Patron!" he cried; a deep, golden light leapt from the tip of his wand and materialized into a shot of Alquimia Reserva de Don Adolfo Extra Aรฑejo Tequila on the bar.

by Tobadef November 11, 2015

Patron XOver

An extreme hangover which is the result of drinking way too much freakin' booze and having "just one more shot!" of Patron XO.

Damn, I have a wicked ass Patron XOver. What the fuck did I do lastnite?

I wish Kelly didn't talk me into those last 5 shots; I wouldn't have this fuckin' Patron XOver. I need 3 advil and a gallon of water.... and please close the shades the sun is blinding.

by Michele one fuckin L January 14, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Le Patron

Usually cool kids named Jorge or Quentin. Who are extremely boss,clean, fresh, or as simple as amazing between the sheets with women.

Girl: Quentin and Jorge are Le Patron.

Other Girl: I know huh!!!!

by The Boss1018 August 7, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

patron on ice

patron is tequila so this means tequila on ice

give me a shot of patron on ice

by urmomsdad December 16, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž