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Polyamorous XD

A bipolar cunt that trolls artist's pages in an attempt to draw discussion away from intelligent conversation so that she can be the center of attention. She can be identified by bullying tactics and illogical arguments.

This Polyamorous XD raised holy hell because someone wouldn't accept her analogy comparing a baby's bad art to an adult's today in the art forum where the question was about what makes bad art.

by Smile0231 March 15, 2018

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genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini

Someone, often with blue hair and heavy breasts, who identifies themselves as a queer zucchini. Common pronouns include zucchini/zucchiniself, im/valid, ze/zir, and i/hate/your/opinion. If you refer to a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini as "he", "she", or "they", you are violently misgendering them and deserve to rot in a hole along with Adolf Hitler. Anybody who is remotely skeptical of this identity is actively contributing to genocide. Also, a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini is typically welcoming toward a polyamorous relationship with up to 35 participants, as well as a relationship with a minor between 13 and 18 years of age.

I identify as a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini.

by dadydonald May 22, 2024

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polyamorous homosexual side of heterosexual men

a very fancy, almost scientific sounding and unneccessarily long version of the word "bromance". use only for pretentious purposes.

Dudebro 1: "Dude, is it weird that I like to kiss my homies goodnight?"
Dudebro 2: "Nah, man, everyone does that. The polyamorous homosexual side of heterosexual men is actually a thing."

by ghost.png February 2, 2024